I had the chatbox turned to "silent" throughout the whole tourny, so apologies to ppl trying to talk to me, and I know there were loads, and ty for ur support.
I prayed to the pokergods to let me run good tonight, and wow, I was in with like 15% pre flop x 2, and came up both times.
And I'd like to thank strongbow, for his continued support through thick n thin. I don't know where I wud be without it! Maybe on 1k/2k blinds? lol
Yehhhhhhh, anyway MAHOOOOOOSIVE result for me tonight, my biggest ever win.
keep it up mate shows ur up among there
Excellent result for you Doh. Chuffed to bits for you xxx
There was whooping & hollering in several takeaways & supermarket booze aisles in Doncaster, they're the real winners here.
And well done the Strongboy. We all need a crutch when times are hard :-)
GG Mate...You took out Knight CT with ruthless precision but apart from that a very good evening my fellow yorkie
well i had you down to win ,
god man you left me down badddddd !
you run good dont you!!
Now FOCUS, and keep runnin' HOT!!
GL Mate, well deserved!!