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sky poker is rubbish



  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited August 2010
    it must be fixed in my favour then as sky have been dealing me some great cards over the last 6 months

    thanks sky x
  • efgloserefgloser Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2010
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited August 2010
    to the point as usual efgloser lol
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2010

    i just took down the 167 runner 9.25 b/h

    got £60 for me £2.30 buy in

    i mean an mtt win for me?

    rigged simples ;o)))
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish:
    IT HAS TO BE RIGGED i just took down the 167 runner 9.25 b/h got £60 for me £2.30 buy in i mean an mtt win for me? rigged simples ;o)))
    Posted by dav1964
    This is proof without doubt. I expect the site to be closed down in the morning.
  • lucky77777lucky77777 Member Posts: 1,444
    edited August 2010
    A Random Number Generator (RNG) is a system that generates a sequence of numbers (or bits) that are devoid of any pattern or biases, ensuring that the next item in the sequence cannot be predicted (i.e. is indistinguishable from a truly random sequence). A certified RNG system is critical to ensure that every game is played using a randomly shuffled and unpredictable deck.In the early days of online poker, the RNG systems were far less reliable and one site was shown to have an inadequate system that could be exploited....... was established several years later, and the system architects had the advantage of learning from those early mistakes. As a result, we are confident that we have the strongest RNG system in the industry............ RNG system consists of several independent layers. Each layer is capable of producing random sequences, and any one layer alone is sufficient to guarantee that the final output is random. This includes two types of hardware RNGs that produce truly random bit streams, and two separate levels of software RNGs that draw upon the enormous wealth of effectively random sources throughout the entire poker site. In the very unlikely event that one system malfunctions or is compromised, the game would continue to be perfectly random due to these fail-safe measures.In order to ensure and demonstrate the security and fairness of our card shuffling procedures, ....has obtained official RNG certification from an independent accredited testing facility. This is a comprehensive analysis during which.... submitted detailed information about our RNG systems, including hardware components, software source code, complete documentation, and servers for testing
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish:
    lol Lucy, it sounds like you're almost accepting that sky is "a bit fixed", but you are willing to accept this coz the sky package, (community, forums etc) makes up for it? r u serious?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    OP! This man got free entry into a Deep Stack and, coincidentally, won 2K.

    Mods have their favourites. Fact.
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited August 2010
    even if the rng was dodgy no one makes you choose when to raise or fold simples!
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2010
    The truth???!!!!

    Sky can't handle the truth!!!!
  • GavinxxxxGavinxxxx Member Posts: 559
    edited August 2010
    But what if .......
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish:
    But what if .......
    Posted by Gavinxxxx
    Quite right Gav.

    Just because you're paranoid? Don't mean Sky aren't after you. Murdoch's in league with Google. That's all I can say before my life becomes endangered ;-)
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2010
    Read this, I'll be asking questions in the morning.
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2010

    Machka is the grandmaster of all mods.

    I'm on your side explanty. But don't be surprised if I mysteriously disappear by the morning. I'm too old and Sky have sussed out that I know what they know explanty. Keep this fire burning. Don't let my death be for nothing.

    exxxxpllllannntttyyyyyy! Don't let this be in vain. Arrgghhhhhhh, Tikay, I, I loved...

  • Colly87Colly87 Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2010
    Well, Rumbling in this thread tonight. So I will add my thoughts here. I love Sky Poker and the general layout the community feel everything. However, it just does not matter how big a favourite you go into a hand, you always get outdrawn in big pots, or that is just my experience anyway.

    Just now, at a cash table 20p/40p blinds i come with £11, work myself up to £66. I am on the button and get pocket 10s, raise to £2, small blind and big blind both call. Flop comes down Kc, 10d, 5c.

    I bet £3, small blind raised to £10. I re-raise to £30, small blind shoves all in. I quickly think to myself, well if he's got pocket kings fair play to him that's just unlucky, he could have a flush draw but I can't lay this down. I call so its a £132 pot.

    Small blind turns over Ace, King. No flush draw at all.

    Turn As,

    River Ac.

    Now to say I was left speachless was an understatement. Firstly it's awful play to go back in over the top a second time with a pair of kings when you been raised pre-flop, continuation bet, re-raised but then to reward that bad play with Ace, Ace as the two runner cards is just too fishy.

    I would like to reitterate, I don't claim to be an amazing player and I know that Poker is just based on probability but since last Friday it just seems that no hand holds up to bad play. Pretty much in a deck of cards their was 5 cards to hit on the turn and then 4 on the river, hitting 1 on either the turn or river would have been a miracle let alone 2. Fed up of no matter how well you play on this site nothing holds up. 

    Plus I also got a parking ticket today, brilliant!
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2010
    Sky is brilliant.

    Sky rules.

    What have they done to me.... Zap!!!!

    Machka isn't a mod, nor is Dohhhhh. No chance. Phil2UK wins all the time coincidentally. Tikay and Orford bubbling all the time isn't a smoke screen.

    But wait a minut.... Zap!!!!

    Sky is brilliant.

    Sky rules.

  • Colly87Colly87 Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2010
    4:45am, I'm going to call it a night now. It is only Poker, but at the end of the day sometimes you feel like the whole world is against you. If people make Royal Flushs then i guess people are gonna be just as lucky to hit a gut shot 1 in a million shot against me for £130!

    Hope the next time I'm on here I am not coming across as a moaner!
  • What_ifWhat_if Member Posts: 141
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish:
    4:45am, I'm going to call it a night now. It is only Poker, but at the end of the day sometimes you feel like the whole world is against you. If people make Royal Flushs then i guess people are gonna be just as lucky to hit a gut shot 1 in a million shot against me for £130! Hope the next time I'm on here I am not coming across as a moaner!
    Posted by Colly87
    The person you were called by is a well known loon :) Just try and play them more often at the tables :)
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