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Newbie Question.

Ploppy33Ploppy33 Member Posts: 721
edited August 2010 in Poker Chat

I'm new to the site & fairly new to poker playing (watch it on tv lots though). My problem is finding the right level to play at. As the Lamborghini is presently in the garage (sadly not MY garage) I cant play in the high stakes stuff.
I find the problem with playing in the lower level stuff is that this isnt proper poker. The 2 main problems I seem to face are there seems to be a few good players (top 50 leagers) lurking at the low cash tables 2p/4p waiting to pick off newbies and more importantly any bet is trivialised by the amout bet - eg for instance you raise 5x big blind with KK only to be called by any 2 cards from at least 3 opponents just for the sheer **** of it - its very frustrating to lose to 63 offsuit!!

I have analysed my play over a lot of hands (over 1000 - took me ages - sad I know) & found that I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2% !!!

I have enjoyed the freerolls as this sort of silliness seems to only last for the first few levels until the idiots (calling all in bets with 63etc pre flop & the all-in every hand ones) get knocked out. I even finished 2nd in one of them. My concern though is that once these end at the end of August what then??

I do seem to experience a bit less of the above problems with the £3/£5 Sit & Go's but am looking for informed opinions as to what I should be looking to play in (my bankroll is approx £50 per month)



  • simuksimuk Member Posts: 315
    edited August 2010
    Try raising to 10x with KK.... seriously...
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Newbie Question.:
    Hi I'm new to the site & fairly new to poker playing (watch it on tv lots though). My problem is finding the right level to play at. As the Lamborghini is presently in the garage (sadly not MY garage) I cant play in the high stakes stuff.   I find the problem with playing in the lower level stuff is that this isnt proper poker. The 2 main problems I seem to face are there seems to be a few good players (top 50 leagers) lurking at the low cash tables 2p/4p waiting to pick off newbies and more importantly any bet is trivialised by the amout bet - eg for instance you raise 5x big blind with KK only to be called by any 2 cards from at least 3 opponents just for the sheer **** of it - its very frustrating to lose to 63 offsuit!! I have analysed my play over a lot of hands (over 1000 - took me ages - sad I know) & found that I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2% !!! I have enjoyed the freerolls as this sort of silliness seems to only last for the first few levels until the idiots (calling all in bets with 63etc pre flop & the all-in every hand ones) get knocked out. I even finished 2nd in one of them. My concern though is that once these end at the end of August what then?? I do seem to experience a bit less of the above problems with the £3/£5 Sit & Go's but am looking for informed opinions as to what I should be looking to play in (my bankroll is approx £50 per month) Thanks
    Posted by Ploppy33

    is this a monthly limit that you are willing to lose, or one that u wanna try and grind up to enable you to play at higher levels?

  • Ploppy33Ploppy33 Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Newbie Question. : is this a monthly limit that you are willing to lose, or one that u wanna try and grind up to enable you to play at higher levels?
    Posted by SHANXTA
    What I'm willing to lose (although I'm not sure I WANT to lose lol). So in reality I have a £50 budget if I blow it in a couple of days its back to the wife & kids for the month.

    Obviously the above would be quite upsetting (probably more for the wife & kids though). So realistically looking to make £50 + winning last the month.

    Thanks for your responses
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Newbie Question.:
    Hi I'm new to the site & fairly new to poker playing (watch it on tv lots though). My problem is finding the right level to play at. As the Lamborghini is presently in the garage (sadly not MY garage) I cant play in the high stakes stuff.   I find the problem with playing in the lower level stuff is that this isnt proper poker. The 2 main problems I seem to face are there seems to be a few good players (top 50 leagers) lurking at the low cash tables 2p/4p waiting to pick off newbies and more importantly any bet is trivialised by the amout bet - eg for instance you raise 5x big blind with KK only to be called by any 2 cards from at least 3 opponents just for the sheer **** of it - its very frustrating to lose to 63 offsuit!! I have analysed my play over a lot of hands (over 1000 - took me ages - sad I know) & found that I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2% !!! I have enjoyed the freerolls as this sort of silliness seems to only last for the first few levels until the idiots (calling all in bets with 63etc pre flop & the all-in every hand ones) get knocked out. I even finished 2nd in one of them. My concern though is that once these end at the end of August what then?? I do seem to experience a bit less of the above problems with the £3/£5 Sit & Go's but am looking for informed opinions as to what I should be looking to play in (my bankroll is approx £50 per month) Thanks
    Posted by Ploppy33
    That seems a bit odd, but 1000 hands is a small sample.

    Low level cash tables will always give that problem. Freerolls are notoriously loose. I think the point here is that there is no quick route through the learning stages. If you have a small amount of free money to play with you have to work your way up the ladder from the lower levels. If you have a good amount of free money you can start higher but it will be expensive. Good players will take your money with 63 just as well as the clueless.

    The players you see at the higher levels have been practising their skills for many, many hours. There is no shortcut method, I'm afraid you have to serve the apprenticeship. Read up on the game, practice, practice and practice ........ then practice some more. At least at the low levels it will be a relatively cheap learning curve.
  • Ploppy33Ploppy33 Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Newbie Question. : That seems a bit odd, but 1000 hands is a small sample. Low level cash tables will always give that problem. Freerolls are notoriously loose. I think the point here is that there is no quick route through the learning stages. If you have a small amount of free money to play with you have to work your way up the ladder from the lower levels. If you have a good amount of free money you can start higher but it will be expensive. Good players will take your money with 63 just as well as the clueless. The players you see at the higher levels have been practising their skills for many, many hours. There is no shortcut method, I'm afraid you have to serve the apprenticeship. Read up on the game, practice, practice and practice ........ then practice some more. At least at the low levels it will be a relatively cheap lurning curve.
    Posted by elsadog
    Thx for reply - any good reading suggestions as there seems to be a billion books - is there any notable stand outs?
  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited August 2010
    I would give the deep stacks a try , low stakes £2-20 or £5-50 .If you do well games can last over 4 hours, yes you do still get all-in donks and chancers but with the slow blind levels you can sometimes avoid these idiots .
                     Give them a try as i say the stakes are low so you are not going to go broke overnight . Good luck in what ever games you play .
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question. :   What I'm willing to lose (although I'm not sure I WANT to lose lol). So in reality I have a £50 budget if I blow it in a couple of days its back to the wife & kids for the month. Obviously the above would be quite upsetting (probably more for the wife & kids though). So realistically looking to make £50 + winning last the month. Thanks for your responses
    Posted by Ploppy33
    then all i can really advise is to either play 2/4p cash, or £1/£2 double your money sit n gos

    alot of people say they cant beat 2/4p coz of bad players making bad calls etc etc, however u just need to adjust ur game. remember who ur playin, bet BIG when u know they are drawing, bet BIG when u flop a monster they will pay u off! players like donkeyplop and thedon have beat this level comfortably.

    the double your money route can be very boring, but its a good way of learning the basics without 2 much at risk.

    there is a 3rd option, i think sky run £1 mtts every hour or so, some r freezeouts, some are rebuys, but for a small investment these can offer a gd return on your money and prob a bit more excitement too. there are also the £2 deepstacks, great value for money if u like a long well structured game.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question. : Thx for reply - any good reading suggestions as there seems to be a billion books - is there any notable stand outs?
    Posted by Ploppy33
    Harrington on Holdem - books 1 and 2

    Harrington on Cash

    Super System

    ....are all good to start off.

    As mentioned some low level deepstack tournaments will (if you're careful) give you hours of practice against better or more experienced players, with the chance of a sustantial increase in your bankroll.
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited August 2010
    if you want the practice nl4 is ok.

    i make a steady profit just playing abc poker.

    a good way to learn is to post some hands of yours in the poker clinic.

    there are some great players who have given me great advice......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,772
    edited August 2010

    Hi Plopper.

    Not much I can add to the above, some great advice there, but one thing caught my eye, & it's something that a lot of poker players struggle with initially. You said......

    I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2%

    Now, we have to be VERY careful with stats like that, because....
    1) They can be misleading.

    2) It may reflect upon how we are playing these hands.

    Let's take an extreme example, just to make the point. I'm not suggesting this applies to you, but it does show how misleading stats are.

    You hold 2-2. You limp in, & so does everyone else, so we go to the flop six handed.

    The other holdings are.....

    A-K suited

    Q-J suited

    T-9 suited

    8-7 suited


    You have 2-2.

    Your odds of winning are less than 14%. And yet you ARE ahead pre-flop.

    But we don't play poker that way - we force the issue, we show aggression, & alter the odds. We can alter our odds by

    1) Raising to thin the field.

    2) Bluffing

    3) Betting to protect our hand.

    4) Using our judgement to determine if we should play this hand, in this position. (Position can alter our odds by up to 30%, too. Hands that are gimmies on the Button, are almost impossible to play UTG).

    We could, in theory, reduce the field to one opponent - the one with A-K std. And now our chances of winning - even assuming we cannot push the other guy off by betting the flop, turn, & river - have risen from 14% to a nadge under 50%.

    And therein lies the skill in poker. Making things happen, by skill, rather than letting things happen, & hoping our hand holds.

    Best poker book with which to learn? For me, none.

    Try visiting the "Poker Clinic" here, reading through the threads, even Post a few hands, asking "guys, where did I go wrong here?". Nobody will laugh or mock, & your learning graph will accelerate enormously.

    Good Luck, & any more questions, just ask. There are loads of good players here, ready to help, as well as complete newbies like Dylan, & Daiboot.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited August 2010
    2p/4p can be a bit loose at times! understatement of the year, but if you are consistent in your approach you can be profitable. It can take a little while to get the hang of it (if you are me) but once you do.....
    You still get the "bad beats" but that's poker.
    If you can do it, you could multi-table to build up your roll quicker. I don't as I've got to consistently win on one for a while first.
    The deepstacks are also a good way to learn and a welcome relief to the fun and games of the cash.

    The poker clinic and the guys who post and comment are also a very good source for improving your game or for reminding you that even if you do everything right you can still lose.

    Good luck 
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    2p/4p can be a bit loose at times! understatement of the year, but if you are consistent in your approach you can be profitable. It can take a little while to get the hang of it (if you are me) but once you do..... You still get the "bad beats" but that's poker. If you can do it, you could multi-table to build up your roll quicker. I don't as I've got to consistently win on one for a while first. The deepstacks are also a good way to learn and a welcome relief to the fun and games of the cash. The poker clinic and the guys who post and comment are also a very good source for improving your game or for reminding you that even if you do everything right you can still lose. Good luck 
    Posted by walesboy
    use this

    there are several good players in there ranging from 4nl regs, to 100nl regs, giving free advice, make d most!
  • candicandi Member Posts: 2,162
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question. :   What I'm willing to lose (although I'm not sure I WANT to lose lol). So in reality I have a £50 budget if I blow it in a couple of days its back to the wife & kids for the month. Obviously the above would be quite upsetting (probably more for the wife & kids though). So realistically looking to make £50 + winning last the month. Thanks for your responses
    Posted by Ploppy33
    You will go a long way with your name `ploppy`. A lonnnnng way! ( see jaegerplop, Donkeyplop and all the other ploppers )

    Welcome to the forum ploppy33 and you will get sound advice from the forum peeps x
  • cookie83cookie83 Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    Hi Plopper. Not much I can add to the above, some great advice there, but one thing caught my eye, & it's something that a lot of poker players struggle with initially. You said...... I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2% Now, we have to be VERY careful with stats like that, because....   1) They can be misleading. 2) It may reflect upon how we are playing these hands. Let's take an extreme example, just to make the point. I'm not suggesting this applies to you, but it does show how misleading stats are. You hold 2-2. You limp in, & so does everyone else, so we go to the flop six handed. The other holdings are..... A-K suited Q-J suited T-9 suited 8-7 suited 6-5. You have 2-2. Your odds of winning are less than 14%. And yet you ARE ahead pre-flop. But we don't play poker that way - we force the issue, we show aggression, & alter the odds. We can alter our odds by 1) Raising to thin the field. 2) Bluffing 3) Betting to protect our hand. 4) Using our judgement to determine if we should play this hand, in this position. (Position can alter our odds by up to 30%, too. Hands that are gimmies on the Button, are almost impossible to play UTG). We could, in theory, reduce the field to one opponent - the one with A-K std. And now our chances of winning - even assuming we cannot push the other guy off by betting the flop, turn, & river - have risen from 14% to a nadge under 50%. And therein lies the skill in poker. Making things happen, by skill, rather than letting things happen, & hoping our hand holds. Best poker book with which to learn? For me, none. Try visiting the "Poker Clinic" here, reading through the threads, even Post a few hands, asking "guys, where did I go wrong here?". Nobody will laugh or mock, & your learning graph will accelerate enormously. Good Luck, & any more questions, just ask. There are loads of good players here, ready to help, as well as complete newbies like Dylan, & Daiboot.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I'd like to have seen how long your post would have been if you had a lot to add Tikay ;-)
  • efgloserefgloser Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2010
    I suggest you save your £50 each month, and at the end of the year you`ll be £600 up.
  • efgloserefgloser Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    Hi Plopper. Not much I can add to the above, some great advice there, but one thing caught my eye, & it's something that a lot of poker players struggle with initially. You said...... I have got my money in, in front 74% of the time - my winning percentage is 12.2% Now, we have to be VERY careful with stats like that, because....   1) They can be misleading. 2) It may reflect upon how we are playing these hands. Let's take an extreme example, just to make the point. I'm not suggesting this applies to you, but it does show how misleading stats are. You hold 2-2. You limp in, & so does everyone else, so we go to the flop six handed. The other holdings are..... A-K suited Q-J suited T-9 suited 8-7 suited 6-5. You have 2-2. Your odds of winning are less than 14%. And yet you ARE ahead pre-flop. But we don't play poker that way - we force the issue, we show aggression, & alter the odds. We can alter our odds by 1) Raising to thin the field. 2) Bluffing 3) Betting to protect our hand. 4) Using our judgement to determine if we should play this hand, in this position. (Position can alter our odds by up to 30%, too. Hands that are gimmies on the Button, are almost impossible to play UTG). We could, in theory, reduce the field to one opponent - the one with A-K std. And now our chances of winning - even assuming we cannot push the other guy off by betting the flop, turn, & river - have risen from 14% to a nadge under 50%. And therein lies the skill in poker. Making things happen, by skill, rather than letting things happen, & hoping our hand holds. Best poker book with which to learn? For me, none. Try visiting the "Poker Clinic" here, reading through the threads, even Post a few hands, asking "guys, where did I go wrong here?". Nobody will laugh or mock, & your learning graph will accelerate enormously. Good Luck, & any more questions, just ask. There are loads of good players here, ready to help, as well as complete newbies like Dylan, & Daiboot.
    Posted by Tikay10
  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010

    99% of people when they take up poker lose in the early days whilst learning, the other 1% go on to win WSOP braclets, you will just lose your BR faster on the higher stakes table. Once you can hold your own at 4nl then look higher at 10nl two bad beats or shall we say outdraws will lose you most of your £50 budget in just 2 hands.

  • Ploppy33Ploppy33 Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    99% of people when they take up poker lose in the early days whilst learning, the other 1% go on to win WSOP braclets, you will just lose your BR faster on the higher stakes table. Once you can hold your own at 4nl then look higher at 10nl two bad beats or shall we say outdraws will lose you most of your £50 budget in just 2 hands.
    Posted by waynecure
    This is the crux of the problem as I'm not sure its possible to master the low level tables.

    The main reason being whilst listening/watching the experts comment like you can ignore the 4 on the turn as an irrelevant card doesnt hold true at this level because pairing the board has given the idiot who has been calling your aces with K4 offsuit the trips. This leads to you being totally unaware where u are in the hand - as it seems that most peoples ranges at this level are any 2 cards - I'm sure they would still call if they only had 1!!.

    Also playing styles seem at odds to popular advise - Dont play 2 many hands - I end up watching a freeforall - will the 63  hold up against the 45?? - Hardly fun or educational.

    Appreciate all the comments guys
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question. : This is the crux of the problem as I'm not sure its possible to master the low level tables. The main reason being whilst listening/watching the experts comment like you can ignore the 4 on the turn as an irrelevant card doesnt hold true at this level because pairing the board has given the idiot who has been calling your aces with K4 offsuit the trips. This leads to you being totally unaware where u are in the hand - as it seems that most peoples ranges at this level are any 2 cards - I'm sure they would still call if they only had 1!!. Also playing styles seem at odds to popular advise - Dont play 2 many hands - I end up watching a freeforall - will the 63  hold up against the 45?? - Hardly fun or educational. Appreciate all the comments guys
    Posted by Ploppy33

    By far and away just read 

    The Theory of Poker by Sklansky
    Harrington on Hold EM 1,2,3.

    Start at NL4 with 4 quid a go, and try the 2.2 deepstack tournies.

    You're misleading yourself if you think it's impossible to win 'because people call too much'. This is a good thing, to beat someone playing that sort of strategy you play tight and bet your medium-good hands strongly for value taking into account every step of the way the wide range of holdings your oppo can have.

    You can learn tonnes from books, but you'll also learn tonnes from just playing and losing (you learn less when you win because you don't think about what you've done because you won, so it must have been good right?). As with most things doing your homework really pays off so look back at how you play and keep trying to improve (the game can sometimes, sometimes be fun!).
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Newbie Question.:
    99% of people when they take up poker lose in the early days whilst learning, the other 1% go on to win WSOP braclets, you will just lose your BR faster on the higher stakes table. Once you can hold your own at 4nl then look higher at 10nl two bad beats or shall we say outdraws will lose you most of your £50 budget in just 2 hands.
    Posted by waynecure
    well ive only been playing since december and ive been winning while learning!!!

    i think im going to book my seat for vegas next year ;)
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