What is your view as regards slow rolling an opponent when you have the nuts?
It happened to me tonight in the 'Take on Tikay' and left a really bad taste in my mouth.
It can't have helped that I was praying for a call to my allin bet thinking I had the best hand.
It was a limped pot and i called with K-J on the small blind. fold was KK5 i think. opponent bet, I called thinking I was trapping. Turn was ace. bet - call again. river was a jack giving me a full house.
I shoved all in on river(about 5000 chips). Opponent waited until timer had reached the VERY end before calling. He had AA for a bigger full house!!!! AAAKK to my KKKJJ!!!!!
How do you stand on this!! I went away more annoyed about the slow roll than the fact I lost the hand. I'm used to being on the end of badbeats - it happens all the time. But it' s even worse when you think you have the winning hand and I was only 10 places short of the money after playing for nearly 2 hours!!!! I would have had about 16,000 if i won the hand and would have been in great shape but that's by the by.
Hand history is: 285799565
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Yes, he could have been slow rolling but there are many, many reasons why it may have taken him that time to call and only he knows.
Unlucky by the way.
Seriously, it could just be someone multi-tabling. I doubt any of the "names" on here would find amusement in it. Unless it was Dohhhhhh. Was it Dohhhhh? Probably.
In Response to Re: slow rolling: No, it wasn't DOHHHHHH and on reflection, I'm sure it was more to do with him multi tabling.
To save you working it out you might be holding KK ...... which is the nuts. Depending on the suits (which you don't mention) there might even have been the possibility of a Royal Flush.
None of us know why it took him so long to act. Lag, multi-tabling or simply thinking. The one thing for certain is he didn't have the nuts.
It is one of those very rare things in poker... A "bad beat story" that is worth telling!
In Vince's absence someone has to stand up and be counted
Agreed, you would call in a heartbeat, no matter how many bad beats you have had and how bad they have been.
Also, the multitabling theory. As stated in another post I made, this is unlikely. I 8+ table,k and I can assure you, if I flop a set on any of them, the fact that I am playing another 7 means nothing. That timer wont be going past 75% full, and its not even for ethical reasons either. How sick would you be if if the timer got to 25% and you had connection problems for a huuuuuuge pot and ended up folding.
I`m not saying it is unethical, it certainly is. But locking up the big pot is more important.
I know I am possibly the most cautious player around but even I would never limp with KK in the small blind with a button limper. Not when the stacks were pretty deep anyway.
PS knocked out of this weeks Take on Tikay with AK again!!!! I have been counting and in last ten tournies I have gone out of eight of them with this hand. That's how bad my luck has been running lately!!!