This happened to me last night in a live game ( £100 deepstack )
8 handed
All cards are dealt
5 players limp in
Big blind checks
I have ACE,5
Flop Comes
3 4 J (Rainbow)
Dealer then misses out first to act by mistake , and everyone checks, then the first person to act raises.
A ruler is called
As everyone else had checked, first to act couldnt raise (even though it wasn't his fault the dealer missed him out)
Turn comes
First to act now bets out, everyone folds comes to me.
My first thoughts are he has a jack, and not betting out now would just show he is behind to an ace.
I call
River Comes a 2 (Gives me a straight to the 5)
First to act now goes all in
i call, and i win and knock him out of the tournament
The big thing is though, if his raise had stood, i would of folded and he would still be in the tournament.
Fair play to the chap as he didnt make a fuss and just walked out.
However i then felt really guilty even though it was out of my hands, i could just play the game.
Would you feel guilty at this ?
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Although in my venues and most similar run venues the raise would stand and it would go back in order.
"If a player or players act out of turn then this play will stand unless there is a bet from the missed player."
In this instance there was a bet from the missed player.
I will give an example of something that happened in my main venue a few weeks ago.
River is delt.
First to act is thinking, second to act suddenly shouts im all in.
First to act ponders before announcing a small bet, second to act mucks.
As player 1 bet, he nullified the all in, however if he decided ill check the all in would stand.
Unfortunetly it seems your opponent has waited until the entire table has done this before saying "im betting"
By my understanding of the rules the bet must still stand, however clearly this venue doent see that.
If i where you i wouldnt complain, however it does seem your opponent didnt question it enough. However you won the hand in the end, and that is all that matters, if it affected the outcome or not.
so i win.........(the player wasnt as gracious as your player sounds though!)
Glad to see we have some places running situations correctly lol
Same ruling to my understanding of the rules.
I Wouldn't feel guilty at all, wasn't your fault and the guy still played two streets after the flop.
Out of interest what did he have?
Dont know, he mucked when i showed the straight
I like your style,you probably deserved to win,but the fact that you could feel for the guy,says a lot about who you are. Kind regards
It wasnt one of my venues and the rules here are a little spewy.
I was on BB with 62os flop came K high with a 2 in it, checked round to cutoff, and he went to bet, he was last to act and dealer showed the turn it was a 6.
The bet was told to stand but only on the turn, i folded saying "Out of respect, im folding as that card affects my desision."
Turns out after the hand the person from UTG called down and the hands where shown cutoff had 62 suited, i showed and we had a laugh.
However i folded simply because i had the respect to, also i had quadruple the starting stack so ddnt need to win it.