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A very special week ahead.....



  • DraigDraig Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2009
    Will try and make them, sometimes difficult to get home from work on time...
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: A very special week ahead.....:
    Thanks Phil, a good nights sleep should help! Have a gud 'un! *edit - and thanks Tikay! (we replied at the same time I think!) 
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Feel better soon big man
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009

    A terrific Tourney tonight, the Top Twenty being......
    McRatMan1£130.20 + 30 League Points465000 
    jamo12£79.05 + 26 League Points0 
    SHY-BOY3£55.80 + 22 League Points0 
    FlashFlush4£46.50 + 18 League Points0 
    carpenter5£37.20 + 14 League Points0 
    seaford26£32.55 + 10 League Points0 
    _AppleMac_7£27.90 + 8 League Points0 
    MAZERAIDER8£23.25 + 6 League Points0 
    phil12uk11 0 
    Tikay1012 0 
    Hjaltland13£25 BTYS Taken0 
    mmmchips14 0 
    letticek15 0 
    joyce116 0 
    ROLAND17 0 
    NColley18 0 
    chops7719 0 
    mr_mbro20 0 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009

    It finished a shade after 11pm, so 4 hours play  (3 hours 48 minutes net of breaks) for a fiver.

    Value, or what?  

    Let's try & keep these going, & if they get over 100 runners - we had 93 tonight - I think it pays 20 places.

    Terrific fun, & congrats to all who Cashed.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009

    So, next week, if I understand it correctly, it will be the McRatMan D/Stack!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009

    Tonight's 7.15 Deepie had a tidy Field, too, 29 I think, but I don't have the Result, sorry. I do know it was not me who won though, pfft!
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited August 2009
    Top Ten like this
    penguin71£174 + 30 League Points145000 
    yourmine2£130.50 + 26 League Points0 
    MADMOO3£101.50 + 18 League Points0 
    SolidStan14£72.50 + 12 League Points0 
    SoLack5£58 + 6 League Points0 
    SHY-BOY7 0 
    Uzi_lover8 0 
    RankAmateu9 0 
    pistol171010 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: A very special week ahead.....:
    Top Ten like this penguin7 1 £174 + 30 League Points 145000   yourmine 2 £130.50 + 26 League Points 0   MADMOO 3 £101.50 + 18 League Points 0   SolidStan1 4 £72.50 + 12 League Points 0   SoLack 5 £58 + 6 League Points 0   MASSIE29 6 £43.50 0   SHY-BOY 7   0   Uzi_lover 8   0   RankAmateu 9   0   pistol1710 10   0
    Posted by SoLack
    Thanks Solack - another Quality Deepie Final.

    That Uzi-lover is on fire!
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited August 2009
    The mickjenn Tuesday ds doesn't seem to be up.  I'm not sure if I get in for nothing, having taken it down last week? 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: A very special week ahead.....:
    The mickjenn Tuesday ds doesn't seem to be up.  I'm not sure if I get in for nothing, having taken it down last week? 
    Posted by SoLack
    I'll take a look in the morning Solack, there have been a few "problems" today & tonight.

    If you won Free Entry, you'll get it.

    See you same time, same place, tomorrow.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 166,859
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: A very special week ahead.....:
    The mickjenn Tuesday ds doesn't seem to be up.  I'm not sure if I get in for nothing, having taken it down last week? 
    Posted by SoLack
    You are indeed entered into tonight's 7pm 10 Seater Deepie - it carries the title "Forum Deep Stack".

    See you there!
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited August 2009
    Thanks.  I have realised that the Celtic v Arsenal CL jobbie clashes with this. so I may be absent for a while after the kick off at 7.45 (if I last that long).  I may be be shooting from the hip early to try and build a sustainable stack, on the other hand I may try and multi task - I can't see the sweaty socks giving the mighty gooners too much trouble (famous last words...).
  • RichiSwiftRichiSwift Member Posts: 149
    edited August 2009
    good job Tikay I look forward to playing one soon.
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