Well, you don't come 20th in the Primo by accident do you? It takes proper skill to get your money in behind with 9s versus Aces and spike a 9 on the river to become a chip leader. Proper skill.
Anyway, with hold'em effectively licked, I'm now looking for a new challenge. Therefore, I'm going to spend September playing...please try not to laugh...Omaha.
So, for the benefit of everyone who will be playing me, and with honesty uppermost in my mind as ever- here's everything I know about Omaha on one-handy cribsheet-
(1) It was one of the beaches in Saving Private Ryan. Not one of those beaches you'd sunbathe on though. Far from it...
(2) It's a city in Nebraska. Nebraska is in the United States.
(3) It's a poker game.
(4) You start with four cards.
(5) You call a lot.
(6) You aim for quads minimum, a straight flush as standard and, as often as possible, a royal flush. Say, once every 7 or 8 orbits. Top pair ain't gonna cut it here folks.
(7) It makes your brain hurt.
(8) Tikay and Hartigan play it- so it can't be that difficult.
And that's it- I genuinely know nothing more. Sure, Tikay has given me plenty of Omaha advice over the years but, and I'm not being rude, I wasn't listening to a word he said.
A whole month then of Omaha- please come and join me this Tuesday night in my first session from 7pm till midnight. And please feel free to impart your wisdom re-the game right here, in Doctor O's Omaha Surgery.
Seriously, it would be great for us all, newbies and seasoned veterans, to use this thread to help each other become better Omaha players.
Good luck then all you Omaharians during September and remember- every time you rob me blind and mock me over the next four weeks...I still finished Top 20 in the Primo tonight. BOOM! 
Best tip for making money from my experience; try and play all suited Aces.
Best tip for saving money from my experience; if the board pairs, fold your straights and flushes because someone ALWAYS has a full-house.
But if you're expecting me to paint your fence all summer, in return for imparting your zen-master martial arts advice, then forget it. Or should I say, wax off!
2) Bet your draws
3) Bet instead of check raising
4) Big preflop raise followed by auto c-bet = bye bye bankroll
5) Balance aggression and paranoia
6) Target NLHE players
7) Board reading skills are essential, also knowing what is and isnt a scare card(different to nlhe)
8) AAxx is NOT a great starting hand.
9) Try to limit yourself to starting hands with 3+ nut drawing hands to begin with.
10) most importantly read my excellent thread in the clinic entitled Ask away about the 4 card game.
1. play orford 100% gtd profit
well done rich in the primart game mate sorry primo game you starting to get some good results
Orford playing Omaha? I've heard it all now.
Tonight, at Luton, I shall give him a lesson in Omaha basics. Like how to hold 4 cards at once.
I will come along and help the money relief process and you can't mock me as i finished 16th in the same Primo!
Looking forward to learning from you erm I mean Talon
yet another fiasco funded thread when will this stop !