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Sky_JordanSky_Jordan Member Posts: 734
Hi Everyone,

I realise that this section of the website has become a bit stale in recent months (through no fault of your own!) so I am going to give it a full revamp!

The section will soon have specific areas of discussion, from the types of tournaments you enjoy playing to what you like seeing on the website!

Feel free to post some topic suggestions below and I will sift through them and get this section up and running properly!

Sorry if this has taken a while but, rest assured, it is soon to change!!



  • outroutr Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2010
    i want a free entry in to a big tourney sky jordan give me a ticket NOW lol as im a poor pesant who can hardly eat let alone play poker!

    no only kidding joined the other week and sky has to be the best poker site ive been on head hunters ive missed and the gteed tournies are better plus all british players or near enuff please please never merdge with another site as they have all been spoilt !!!

    hope to lose lots of my hard earned cash here  go go go

    from outr
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited September 2010
    i want a free entry in to a big tourney sky jordan give me a ticket NOW lol as im a poor pesant who can hardly eat let alone play poker! no only kidding joined the other week and sky has to be the best poker site ive been on head hunters ive missed and the gteed tournies are better plus all british players or near enuff please please never merdge with another site as they have all been spoilt !!! hope to lose lots of my hard earned cash here  go go go from outr
    Posted by outr
    Welcome to the forum outr.

    Its a shame they don't do a post of the week cause IMO this would be a strong contender.

  • Sky_JordanSky_Jordan Member Posts: 734
    edited September 2010
    Ha ha!

    That would definitely be up there in a "post of the week" competition! Shame we don't have one at the minute (maybe that is a suggestion in itself!)

    Hope you continue using the site and enjoy playing on here!

    Good luck!
  • KaiQomKaiQom Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2010
    One suggestion is to have our own 'friends list'. Where we can find friends easier and see what they are up to. 

    I noticed a few people have been complaining about a minority of others b*thcing about bad beats and giving members abuse because of it, so maybe the possibility to 'block communications' from these pests would keep some happy.

    More/New avatar images :D i think we are due so new ones or maybe a program to creat our own personalised ones? I did see a post about 'cartoonizing' ourselves which was cool so maybe sky could create something similar.

    just a few thoughts. If/when i get more i'll be sure to throw them here.

    take care
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,655
    edited September 2010

    The ability to mark a post as 'unread'.
    This will enable you to go back to posts where there is a picture which has not been approved but you would like to view at a later stage when it is.
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2010
    Someone to check Technical Queries section once a day at least.
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited September 2010
    usual rant....

    speed tournaments that ARE NOT rebuys please :-)

    some 10-handed GTD tourneys, £5 £50 or something to get the ball rolling

    downloadable client please! when?

    satelliltes/tournaments with poker points buyins please, make it 1000 points for £10 buyin or something

    resizeable tables, get ur coders to implement vector graphics, cant be too hard, plus its super standard these days

    more tournaments! id like to see something like these nightly!

    £10 - £1000 GTD
    £25 - £1000 GTD
    £3 - £300 GTD
    £15 - £1200 GTD
    £10 rebuy - £1000 GTD

    more levels in the blinds, i.e a structure like this...


    Also regarding rebuys! make the addon period earlier! Theres absolutely no point in having a rebuy period for 2000 chips when the blinds are 800/1600!!!

    hmm....what else

    player 2 player £££ transfer

    special bounty for when u knock out Tikay or Orford in tournaments

    more avatars mayb

    oooh, tables that pop to the front when they require your action

    Poker Points Happy Hours

  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited September 2010
    oops forgot!

    The option to make 'Deals' at Final Tables!
  • Sky_JordanSky_Jordan Member Posts: 734
    edited September 2010
    Hi guys,

    KaiQom - You can add Sky Poker friends by going to 'My Profile' searching for your friend's Alias and then adding them as a friend.

    You cannot block users I am afraid but you can remove them as a friend again if needs be.

    The suggestion for new avatars has been raised recently so watch this space...In the meantime you could try this:

    Maxally - We don't have the option to mark a post as 'Unread' however we can see who posted the last comment and how long ago which (kind of) works in the same way.

    belsibub - This is now in place so the 'Technical Queries' section will be replied to at least once daily, even if the actual resolution may take a bit longer.

    Sikas - The downloadable client is currently at our testing stage so it should be available to you shortly. We will let everyone know once that is in action though!

    In terms of rebuys, they are to remain as they are at the moment as they are proving popular, however I have passed your comments on so if there are any changes I will let you know.

    We cannot do a player to player transfer I am afraid as it is seen as chip dumping and not part of the Sky Poker etiquette.

    We often give out prizes etc if you knock out Tikay and/or Richard Orford albeit not all the time.

    Your tables should pop to the front when it requires an action. If you have trouble with this try toggling between Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox to see which one works best. If you have done this already maybe you could contact customer services to see if they can help you further.

    I have forwarded your comment about 'Deals' forward, however, I am not confident that is something the "powers that be" would be interested in. I will let you know if they come back with anything that is likely to change though.

    Cheers guys.

  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited September 2010


  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2010
                          Hi Jordan with all the disconnection problems that are happening at the moment ,would it be possoble to have just 1 member of the Sky team to report our details to .At the moment we are just reporting them to CC, i would have thought it would be better for 1 person to log all these details and then some sort of patten might take shape .
                         I had a telephone call from Sky Adam about this matter so is it possoble that he could be our point of call, im not to sure Adam will be happy with me putting his name up for this but if it helps to solve this matter im sure he wont mind .
                        If this suggestion is agreed could you please ask Adam to let the whole forum know that he is now our contact at Sky Poker . Thank you .
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited September 2010
    first of all thanks for ur reply, i know the client is due soon, i personally am very excited about it, just wondered if u had a 'ball park' EST... 6 weeks, 3 months away? etc...

    i know the rebuys are v.popular and i play them very regularly, i was just wondering if sky could incorporate the odd Speed freezeout tournament along side the rebuy ones

    im not sure how and player 2 player funds transfer would constitute as chip dumping as it would be done out of the realms of live play, party, stars, cake, f.tilt, bwin all have this feature, but fair enough, just be a nice feature to see

    as for the prizes for taking out orford/tikay , thats great, sorry i wasnt aware of it

    as for the pop-up feature on the tables i have exhausted all browsers mozilla, I.E, opera, chrome, tinkered with various settings, clearing cache etc, but none seem to support it, not a big problem tho,

    as for the 'deal' option, im not sure how it would affect 'powers that be' as it wouldnt affect tournament traffic, im sure thered still be just as many runner in tournies, just gives players added flexibility when it comes to the top-heavy final table payouts....if anything itd be a feature players would seek out when looking for a poker site, therefore potentially increasing traffic...although itd be extra work for the sky-programmers

    to be fair the above suggestions arent 'that' important to me personally, there'd just be some nice features to see, but what i would say is that im very regular player that must generate a fair amount of rake for the site when i go thru my stints of playin here, but what keeps Sky Poker from being my personal favourite and most used is the lack of tournaments ( all the good ones are only between 8:00-9:30) and the lack of options to spend your excess accrued poker points.

    i dont want to sound like a whinger, theres plenty about sky that i like and thats prob why i keep coming back, i think Sky Tv feature is great, customer support has always been v.helpful, the withdrawals are always v.solid, tikay and orford seem like top geezers, the league table format has good incentives and i actually like the look and feel of the poker client (apart from the odd disconnection)


    edited September 2010
    think there should be a few bad beat tables with a accumalating jackpot if you loose with a hand of four 8s or better you win 50% of the jackpot the winner of the hand gets 30% of the jackpot with the other 20% going to the players who played that hand on same table if sat out  the hand then they get nowt could start off at 25/50 blinds
  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2010
    Suggestion should you change the name of this section , i suggest changing it to " Your suggestions will be answered but im not to sure when maybe today ..........maybe not today ..........maybe the next day ......maybe not the next day ".
                        Its ok Jordan i am only joking but can you give us a clue when you will be answering these suggestions .       Thank you .    Mick .
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited September 2010
    My suggestion would be that everybody lays down there hands 2 me and gives me all there chips.

    I live in Hope

    Lisa x
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited September 2010
    No seriously like I said b4 if ur being abused on the table u should b able 2 type say customerservices and then a little red light will flash at sky HQ and then a customer services peep can come on the table and find out what the problem is and tell the person if he carries on he will b thrown out of game.
    (they do on other sites)
  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2010
    Hi Jordan its only me AGAIN  banging on about same old subject DISCONNECTIONS. I just wondered if you have asked Sky Adam about my suggestion because there seems to be a lot more people complaining about this problem .
                 I posted this suggestion on the 22/9/2010 at 6-10pm and i am still waiting for a responce ,is it possible that you can let me know what is happening to this suggestion .Thank you .
                                                        Mick .
  • Sky_JordanSky_Jordan Member Posts: 734
    edited September 2010
    Hi Chew07,

    Once again, apologies for the lack of response, I have been off for the last couple of days! The disconnection issue should be resolved now, the technical team believe they have sorted it. What did customer care say when you contacted them? Hopeully we can sort this asap.

    Sorry for the delay again!

    Sikas-Hi again, the download is expected in a couple of weeks rather than months, our testers are putting the final touches to it now. I have forwarded your post to our poker management team so as soon as I get a response I will let you know about everything else.

    Hi Lisa, Thanks for your suggestion, I have asked the question if it can be implemented. In the meantime you can click on 'Online Chat' at the bottom right of the screen as soon as you see any abuse and the customer care team can look into it straight away.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks again everyone,
  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2010
    Hi Jordan
           Thank you for getting back to me on the subject of disconnections,you say "should be resolved now, the technical team believe they have sorted it ".
           First of all when they say "sorted it " what have they sorted ,what was the problem, are they not going to tell us what all this was about ??.Also if this problem is now sorted are they going to tell us if as we all believe the problem was down to SKY POKER, because everyone at CC said that if there was a problem it was nothing to do with them .
           But the fact that they "believe they have sorted it " surely shows that the problem was at there end and not as CC kept tell us .Is it possible to let me know when this was "sorted" as i played in the 7-10pm last night and still had problems with disconnections .
          When Sky Adam rang me the other day about this matter i asked him to keep the forum up to date on what was happening ,which he said he would do that is why i suggested that he be our contact at Sky Poker about this matter. Has my suggestion been put to Adam if it has what was his answer ,if my suggestion hasent been put to Adam can you please tell me why not.This problem has effected to many people to be just dropped as being "sorted " we need to know what was wrong .

                                           I look forward to Skys answers to this matter
                                                       Thank you .........Mick .

  • chew07chew07 Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2010
    Sorry Jordan just one more thing ,if and when Sky Poker get round to answering my questions could you ask them to also post in the Technical Queries section as 99% of the disconnection posts are in there.
                                             Once again Thank you .....Mick .
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