There are a few very good sky players and I was wondering if its worth a few of us lesser mortals chipping in a few quid to sponsor the elite? seems that It goes on quite a bit. just a beery induced thought
Nice like any good well run organisation a treasury must be in place. So i put my self forward so send all chequesmade payable to -JINKY- and i will take it from there and be in touch.
Yeah just send me a 'BIG FAT COUNTER CHEQUE' and i will let ya sponsor me ;o)
n Response to Re: sponsorship: I did say the GOOD sky players LOL
Good point that mate,send ME the cheque
Back of the queue please, your behind me btw
So i put my self forward so send all cheques made payable to -JINKY- and i will take it from there and be in touch.