hello all,
would like your advice please... played 2nd primo on sunday and i actually cashed! but with 48 players i went from chip leader to out within 2 hands... lost ak v aj then my exit was showed on tv

my actual question is.. because i set my self target goals throughout the primo... get through first hour 2 hour then to cash... then my next goal was to make final table... was that thinking to far and maybe should have gone to reach top 25.. then last 10 then final table? and also is there anyway of getting out of tilt asap? because i lost the chance to go further in the primo as i went in with nothing... and is it worth having a go at primo again this sunday?
First of all, well done on getting into the money. The Primo is as tough as they get with so many good players! And it seems that you were doing really well until....er....well, never mind!
Onto your questions:
Setting goals is not what I would personally recommend but I think many people do so that's fine, but with every goal you reach you have to take a look at your stack AND those around you. As you were chip leader, you had every right to make your next goal the FT but be aware of the opponents on your table! You may have other chip leaders on there and at the stage you were at, you don't necessarily need to get too involved! After the bubble bursts, most of the short stacks are going to shove and you can easily pick them off without putting too many chips at risk! And with all that shoving, you will soon be inside the top ten or twenty with a healthy stack and your sights set firmly on your goal! If you have "an accident" then re-evaluate and set a new target!
If you are short or even medium stacked, look for the next cash ladder as your target! Again, with all the post-bubble shoving, the numbers go down quite quickly and every time you reach a target you get a boost in confidence that may help you to move onwards and upwards to your next target etc etc.
Personally, I always look to win every tournament but I think we all secretly want to make the money first as it gives us a sense of achievement, I just don't let it rule the plays I make! So if I make the correct plays and go out on the bubble then so be it! ul gg
The other question is a little more tricky! Tilting is what it is and as such is different for each individual! Some will tell you to get up and walk around, others will recommend a stiff drink! The problem is that you have to find your own way of dealing with it! A way that works for you may not work for anybody else and vice versa!
Tilting usually occurs because you feel you are losing unfairly or because you are thinking about the money involved. In the first case, (well this is the way I do it!) take a good look at the hand and work out the odds that your opponent had of winning BEFORE the flop! It does tend to ease the pain when you realise that, although they may seem to have got lucky, in most cases they weren't that far behind to start with. And if you've got your chips in ahead, you didn't do anything wrong! As I said though, each to his own! If you think about the money (if it means that much to you?) then you are likely to be playing outside your financial comfort zone! Thinking about how much you could've won and that you might just have blown it is the same as getting to see that **** speedboat on Bullseye....pointless!
As for the last question.....do you WANT to play in the Primo again? It sounds like you have the game so why on earth not? And if you go all the way this time the fee is 10%! I'm not greedy! ;-)
I hope this load of waffle may have helped you a little!
Good luck at the tables!
failing that stop playing for 30 minutes does you wonders, recently at a home game some donk got lucky and bust me when i should have doubled up been chip leader i was so annoyed, put on facebook and sat out while they played the game another half hour or so. then we played another game which i took down, just chill out for a bit rather then jump into another game if you know your on tilt or leave for another day