I am, of course, referring to the financial reward for eliminating a player from tonight's main event, not the popular chocolate snack.
The tournament has a guaranteed prize pool of £10,000 and starts at 8pm. It costs £22 to enter. Registration is open!
The TV show - hosted by Ed Giddins (Lisa-Marie: please note spelling) and myself - also starts at 8pm on channel 865.
And, from 10pm, we'll also be live on Sky Sports 4 & Sky Sports HD 4. I should point out that we won't actually be broadcasting in high definition. Instead, a rather elaborate piece of kit will upscale the transmission signal to 1080i. Fascinating, I know...
Anyways, this is the place to offer your poker questions and hand requests from this evening's tournament.
For the first couple of hours, we'll also be having a bit of fun, visiting some of the more amusing contributions to DAIBOOT's 'DESCRIBE THE SKY PLAYERS' thread. It's HERE, in case you haven't seen it.
Apart from acebarry10, no-one's suggested a good description for Mr Giddins. So I encourage you to post away. Suffice to say, the more scandalous, the better! Not TOO scandalous, mind you, otherwise we'll get censured by Ofcom 
Played live with a few of the Sky boys in Leeds Tuesday night, big shout out to Dan and Jack!
Leeds is a city in Northern England James (they have an Etap if you fancy a visit)
Which reminds me - if you'd like your Ed acronym read out on live television, it would be very helpful if you could post it in this thread.
Hi James & Ed
Have a great show have just got out of hospital (2 months+) £22 a bit steep for me but i will be watching so good luck to all & i'm glad to be back
Michael aka DTWBANDIT
First: 24/12/2009
Last: 23/9/2010
Elegant and
Groomed, but
Down In
Nylon or Naff (you decide)
D ynamic
G ranny grabber
I ngenious
D onk
D uck (your out )
I nexplicably
N aff
S hirts
got to agree with emilyegg on last three
Re: A song you probably would not sing at a Karaoke Night.......
First: 7/2/2010
Last: 23/9/2010