Got bored, registered for the 22:30 £100 guarenteed freeroll. Not much explaining to do, apart from .... I WAS SO SURE I WAS AHEAD .....

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemlchae1961Small blind 75.0075.0011255.00percival09Big blind 150.00225.008730.00 Your hole cards92 SCIFI65Fold montondoFold daveolaFold swagman_ozRaise 450.00675.0011088.75mlchae1961Fold percival09Raise 999.001674.007731.00swagman_ozCall 699.002373.0010389.75Flop Q4J percival09Bet 1888.004261.005843.00swagman_ozCall 1888.006149.008501.75Turn 10 percival09All-in 5843.0011992.000.00swagman_ozCall 5843.0017835.002658.75percival09Show92 swagman_ozShowK10 River 3 swagman_ozWinPair of 10s17835.00 20493.75
the op is very tongue in cheek so take it with a pinch of salt...............
By both tbf but at least he called with better hand even if by miracle, but ppl wont fold much in freerolls so whats the point in bluffing unless you have a good read
i replied as you asked me whose was the bad play aswell :P
Er....I was PLAYING you when you bragged. This isn't new info to me; more like evidence
Although in your defence, i thought this how most play, prior to the buyin period ending.