Good evening!
I've been offline for over 2 days, (Tweets apart), working at the WSOP-E, more of which later.
Attila The Bun gave me a pass to leave The Empire, in Leicester Square, early-ish today (5pm), so I could get back for my last Friday PTP for a while.
I arrived at my Hotel, logged on to Sky, & there on the Home Page is a pod promoting tonight's PTP under the byline "the evegreen tikay". So, tonight, I shall mainly be a tree, it seems, though to be honest, I like trees, so if I could be a tree, I wood.
Now, tonight is REBUY night, so here's the itinerary......
8pm - the £11, £5,000 Guaranteed (the ME Guaratees have all gone up this week), Rebuy.
8.30pm - £5.50, TOTTY. Best structure going, & as with the other rebuys, 50% bonus chips with the Add-On.
9.00pm - £5.50 £500 Guaranteed Rebuy.
My budgeted spend is based on an immediate rebuy at the start, & an Add-On, so I need to recoup £66 to break even, I reckon. Hmm.....
Hope that a few of you will come along for a relaxing & chilled evening. I'm a bit wrecked after 2 very long but utterly beguiling days at the WSOP-E, but we got some amazing interviews, and I bumped into a whole bunch of friends, (blog & photos to follow), so all worthwhile.
Have a pleasant evening, whatever you do, though.
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If I am slow to respond to table chat tonight, bear with me please. I'll have 3 Tables on the go (briefly....), & 2 days e-Mails to work through, which will probably amount to the fat end of 300 e-Mails, so I need to get started on those.
Multi-tasking ftw.
Talking of which, we got an interview with "Elky" today. It's alleged that he holds the world record for playing simultaneous SNG's, AND, crucially, making a profit doing so. How many? He claims 62......!
Look forward to seeing the wsope footage and reading your blogs.
You were spotted watching Hellmuth's entrance... dont think we didnt see you.:) How did you enjoy that btw?
<<<<< Looking away
Enjoy your evening Sir and watch out for the welsh....