........Why have the guarantees recently been assessed/changed, yet the one decent tourny which runs through the day, the 3pm NLHE, has been left at 100 gtd?
This tourny ALWAYS hits at least double that.....
Why has this been left at 100? - There have been loads of forum threads about this, with people pleading with the decision makers to put it back to £250 gtd....(it was changed to 100 before the numbers even dropped)
......you have a meeting about it, or whatever, yet chose to leave it as it is!!
Please can everyone yet again comment here asking them to change it,

The traffic in this tournament actually varies considerably, last Monday - Wednesday it had 21, 28, 29 runners and peaked at 43 on the Friday.
We'll see how it does for a week or 2 and I'll happily move this up further if it performs well.
Kind Regards
And yes up it to £250 gtd sky!!!!!!!
JJ, total credit to you Sir for getting the guarenteed up on this tourney and long may the great turn-outs continue!........ :-)
Unfortunately unless i have a change of job this is never going to be playable, too risky at work and been in trouble for it before not even allowed on the forum! oops shhhhh dont tell boss i have 15 minutes left