A British winner - nice 
1st – James Bard (London, UK) 2nd – Fabrizio Baldassari (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
3rd – Ronald Lee (Jericho, NY – USA)
4th – Roland de Wolfe (London, UK)
5th – Nicholas Levi (London, UK)
6th – Danny Steinberg (Fairfield, IA – USA)
7th – Dan Fleyshman (San Diego, CA – USA)
8th – Brian Powell (Louisville, KY)
9th – Marc Inizan (Pluguffen, France)
Plus Phil Laak now has a bracelet as does Gus Hansen 
Dyl are there any Brits/ notable names left in?
Viktor Blom (Isildur some think) is still left in btw
David Tuchman is Presenter and Andy Block is the Analyst
It is not "Live WSOP-E Coverage" Dyl, it has a 5 hour delay.
The final ten (Brits in bold) are......
1 Ronald Lee 1,826,000
2 Dan Fleyshman 1,777,000
3 James Bord 1,609,000
4 Roland de Wolfe 1,312,000
5 Fabrizio Baldassari ,010,000
6 Nicolas Levi 786,000
7 Daniel Steinberg 526,000
8 David Peters 472,000
9 Brian Powell 375,000
10 Marc Inizan 264,000
i always knew dyl was slow:)
Well its great viewing even if not live! I thought that link on FB was a bit iffy but this is fascinating watching......not as good as 865 obv
Food for thought for the SPT Grand Final maybe Tikay??? (with Davinna on voiceover obv!, lol)