Dont give up. I had months off the Queens going against me it seemed as if I had Queens I would lose even when I hit a f/h and if the oppo had Queens they would always bust me! Then in the last couple of weeks it seems to be happening in reverse and I have sattalited into tonights Primo with no small help from the Queens. Just see these knockouts for what they are a bit of bad luck and remind yourself the luck will probably be on your side soon.
i know how u are felling thorpey have a day or two away refresh and come back i have to do this 3 times a month a get so many things wrong that i start tilting throwing my chips away chin up m8
So long as you are not tilting then a break away isnt gonna help,just keep gettin your chips in ahead and it will work more times than it fails,gl at the tables
I had months off the Queens going against me it seemed as if I had Queens I would lose even when I hit a f/h and if the oppo had Queens they would always bust me! Then in the last couple of weeks it seems to be happening in reverse and I have sattalited into tonights Primo with no small help from the Queens.
Just see these knockouts for what they are a bit of bad luck and remind yourself the luck will probably be on your side soon.
Post some hands thorpey, see if we can spot if/where you're going wrong.