k88moss is my hero. Watch this guy play 6 max if you have a spare hour. He** just sooooooooooooo gud, until he tilts **K88MOSS deffo is a he, theres only 1 'woman' who plays as aggressive as K88 in the world and thats Vannessa (Vinni) Selbst, who clearly isn't really a woman. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In fact, Miss Lucy Rokach is much more aggressive - though maybe less skilled - than any female poker player I've ever met. A spent force these days, but check her Database Entries. Impressive stuff.
As to Vanessa Selbst, I'm not sure what you mean by not really a woman.....
I interviewed her only last week, & it will appear on Channel 865 quite soon.
I was asked to do the Interview at very short notice, & as I don't know too much about her background, & don't know her personally, I went emergency googling. I found her Wiki Page, which told me all I needed, but rather more than Atilla would perhaps allow me to discuss, I can only probe so much.....
As a sidenote, & probably a chirp, too, I also interviewed Phil Ivey last week, which is a rare treat, he does not really do interviews, but he spared me 5 minutes. The Interview is in Edit now, & will be on 865 very soon.
Oh I just meant she looks like a bloke They missed that bit out on wiki tho edit* - Btw TK whilst ur reading this thread.....does each country have their national poker championships? Like an English poker tournament where you have the be English to play? - I've heard of an American version, but never an English/British one? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
There are various "National" Poker Championships, but most of them (all, that I'm aware of, tbh) are not restricted to their "own" Nationality. To do so would be almost unenforceable, &, fwiw, improper imo.
There was, at one time, a Welsh National Poker Championship, which was restricted to Welsh Players, but it ceased after they failed to find enough even half-competent Welsh players. It was a Heads-Up Tourney, too.
I presume Mrwincash doesn,t fancy his chances against LOlUFOLD as they are both sat at different £5/10 tables waiting for an opponent or is it the other way round?
I presume Mrwincash doesn,t fancy his chances against LOlUFOLD as they are both sat at different £5/10 tables waiting for an opponent or is it the other way round? (Mrwincash also sat at £25/50) Posted by MP33
yeah i noticed that, been on it all day dont think he has had any takers mincash never seen him before has anyone else?
I presume Mrwincash doesn,t fancy his chances against LOlUFOLD as they are both sat at different £5/10 tables waiting for an opponent or is it the other way round? (Mrwincash also sat at £25/50) Posted by MP33
In Response to Re: 13k up before 08:30 nice work lolufold cash action nowwwwwwwwww £5/£10 : lolufold sat in on mrwin table last night , it was the £25/£50 hu table , mrwin was sat with over £5k , lolufold brought £5k in to play & mrwin sat out . hope this answers your question above . Posted by IRISHROVER
Yes we we`re waiting were`nt we hunni and waiting and...lol ; ) xxx
As to Vanessa Selbst, I'm not sure what you mean by not really a woman.....
I interviewed her only last week, & it will appear on Channel 865 quite soon.
I was asked to do the Interview at very short notice, & as I don't know too much about her background, & don't know her personally, I went emergency googling. I found her Wiki Page, which told me all I needed, but rather more than Atilla would perhaps allow me to discuss, I can only probe so much.....
As a sidenote, & probably a chirp, too, I also interviewed Phil Ivey last week, which is a rare treat, he does not really do interviews, but he spared me 5 minutes. The Interview is in Edit now, & will be on 865 very soon.
There was, at one time, a Welsh National Poker Championship, which was restricted to Welsh Players, but it ceased after they failed to find enough even half-competent Welsh players. It was a Heads-Up Tourney, too.
lolu is sat at 2 other tables but noone is joining him
edit- they both gone now, lol put k88 then she/he put ok then they both went maybe getting on another table
88 v QQ all in pre, i thought must be aces v kings lol
/>k88moss has won the hand (£1,999) with Pair of Queens (Qh,Qd,Th,Ks,Ac)
(Mrwincash also sat at £25/50)
yeah i noticed that, been on it all day dont think he has had any takers mincash never seen him before has anyone else?
it was the £25/£50 hu table ,
mrwin was sat with over £5k ,
lolufold brought £5k in to play & mrwin sat out .
hope this answers your question above .
I wanna see some action!