Evening folks!
Tonight's 4 hour telethon on Channel 865 (and streamed on this site) offers full LIVE coverage of the biggest game of the week- The Sunday Primo.
In the driving seats are myself and Edward Giddinshire.
We'll have an indepth look in the third hour at some of your hands from the Poker Clinic thread. And we hope to have exclusive interviews with some of the world's top players during the tournament breaks.
So- make sure you're playing the Primo tonight- there's 12.5 Gs in the kitty and a whole load of kudos from the community for the winner.
And of course, let the messaging begin! I'll be reading out your banter, hand requests and questions right from the get-go.
Tonight's question:
What's the funniest prank ever played on you or played by you?
Hopefully we'll get some good comedy answers from you to get things rolling!
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I always wanted to be a pilot so I joined the RAF at 19 as a radar technian with the aim of finally becoming a top gun, unfortunately it never happened.
So here comes the prank, stag weekend for one of our RAF chums and we had organised a seat on the plane out to the Falkland Islands that night, it was all organised weeks ahead and his intended was also told. We got him very worse for wear and then put him in a crate, he was loaded into the cargo hold with aircrew ready to get him out and into a seat after take off, it all went like clockwork and he arrived 8000 miles from home 13 hours later! Ironically his flight back was then delayed due to snow! He did make the wedding as this was done weeks in advance of the big day!
The biggest prank played on me was on a birthday. Normaly i would have taken the day off, but couldn't as i was on nights. Just after midnight a call went out for a first aider to go to the to an outside yard. being the only one on the shift i ran around the factory to the yard. Once there i saw a forklift to one side with a guy lying on the ground. Thinking the worst i ran to him, kneeled down to check on himand Seeing he was conscious i asked him if he was alright. His answer was..'i'm fine mate but you ain't' so saying he grabbed hold of me. Suddenly about 20 others appeared, picked me up and carried me over to a large bin. Inside was a very gloopy, and smelly green mess. I did try to fight, but alas i went head first into the bin. After dragging myself out i was led througth the factory looking like the swamp monster and follwed by cheers and jeers. It took me 3 showers and 2 baths to finaly get rid of the smell...eeeyuck!!!
When I was young I wanted to be a policeman, but now im working in a warehouse and wanting to play poker for a living... Oh how things change.
when i was young i wanted to be a male donor for female eggs but when i got older i didn`t have the balls to do it ?
As a prank, one of our mates proclaimed his displeasure at our work situation and said he was off to the jobcentre as he had seen "Cash in Hand" jobs advertised in the local paper, £10 per hour...ask at your jobcentre for details.
We knew what was happening and convinced our hard of thinking mate to go down the jobcentre to "apply".
After much guffawing in the jobcentre he took a seat with an advisor.
30 seconds later and the advisor was p***ing herself laughing and we were all getting hoofed out the jobcentre.
Funniest thing was that the poor lad looked genuinely puzzled as to what was going on.
can u have a look at this hand for me got a little stick for it but believe the bet was as i see it priced me in to call and hit my hand can u have a look and tell me if i should have called or fold cheers
Hand History #297215946 (20:10 10/10/2010)
You really can't argue when this falls in your lap! Possibly a little pricey to set mine, but I figured that 4-way the implied odds if I flop a set are massive, since someone is likely to have enough of the flop to stack off, and the pots already built
I only had £14 on table so didn,t think I did anything wrong, but if you had about £50 or £60 pounds how would Ed have played it or is there just no getting off it? Wasn,t on table long but i know these players arn,t to loose
hand ID - 297219483