From his 3bet I don't get how you can just put him on AQ+,77-TT. Surely he would play QQ/KK/AA the same way? Which hands do you think he would continue with after a 45bb 4bet? How does JJ fare against these hands? Posted by yb
i didnt narrow him on those i said AK, AQ or any pp less then mine 1010 />
well i firstly didnt want him to call, or if he did i wanted him to commit with hands which they need to hit which are aq or ak, think he could call or shove with 99 & 10 10 here which i would be dominating with ak aq will be racing but i got the made hand. anyways im of for a bit so will check back on this when i get in laters )
Your play worked if he was 3 betting light or didnt have inclination to take a flip with AK/AQ. Otherwise you,re just getting called/reraised by hands that have you crushed.
I'ld be wanting to call & see a "safe" flop before committing, of course with additional spice of flopping a set.
I say "safe" cos many a time in this spot you'll stack off against QQ+ when undercards flop
Your play worked if he was 3 betting light or didnt have inclination to take a flip with AK/AQ. Otherwise you,re just getting called/reraised by hands that have you crushed. I'ld be wanting to call & see a "safe" flop before committing, of course with additional spice of flopping a set. I say "safe" cos many a time in this spot you'll stack off against QQ+ when undercards flop Posted by simonnatur
sorry but a few things? firstly AK/AQ does not have you crushed you are actually favourate but not by too much also you say you want to call and see a safe flop thats very nitty, what if ace comes down you let someone represent it and fold? i'd say callking is worse you can do. i can understand me betting too much here etc but flat calling is terrible, what if you get someone with 2s etc and they hit there set where they would fold to any raise at all. Finally you say you will stack off against qq+ you will do that whatever low flop hence why im happy with the 4th starting hand its unlikely more often then not the oppenent has those other 3
I don't think calling the 3 bet is bad at all.......
You need to have some faith in your post flop skills, it isn't as black/white as you are making out....
If an ace flops, you don't assume that you're behind 100% of the time. Like-wise, if it's a 7 high flop, you can't assume that you are ahead 100% of the time.
You can see the flop, then outplay your opponent post flop.
Granted, you are out of position, so it's harder to play deep OOP - but it's not impossible.
I personally hate 4 betting/getting it in with queens 100xbb deep, never-mind Jacks 150xbb deep........
I think personally, without concrete reads that calling is the best option, rather than the worst, folding/4 betting are just as bad as each-other.
** You also say it's unlikely your opponent has any of the 3 hands that beat you, but QQ/KK/AA makes up a massive part of your oppos 3 betting range....
i didnt narrow him on those i said AK, AQ or any pp less then mine 1010 />
well i firstly didnt want him to call, or if he did i wanted him to commit with hands which they need to hit which are aq or ak, think he could call or shove with 99 & 10 10 here which i would be dominating with ak aq will be racing but i got the made hand. anyways im of for a bit so will check back on this when i get in laters
also you say you want to call and see a safe flop thats very nitty, what if ace comes down you let someone represent it and fold? i'd say callking is worse you can do. i can understand me betting too much here etc but flat calling is terrible, what if you get someone with 2s etc and they hit there set where they would fold to any raise at all. Finally you say you will stack off against qq+ you will do that whatever low flop hence why im happy with the 4th starting hand its unlikely more often then not the oppenent has those other 3