So you think your safe from 'batman4'-- well watch this space you could be next !!
The forum over the last year or so, has had some very interesting players commentators and forum members --
My first interview is with the very funny lady, 'logdon' Annie--

So Annie (logdon) I'm not going to ask the obvious question, 'why' did you get a forum ban, because just looking at you avatar I can see your a cheeky little devil !!
So lets start with how did you lean to play poker --
"Well, it was hubby, he plays a bit elsewhere online, then i noticed Sky poker on TV found the forum and joined the community to learn more"--"the rest is history as they say"--
OK Annie, so now you've had a little indiscretion lets say, with the forum police, what does hubby and the family have to say about that --
"Oh very funny, can you imagine what he calls me now , ASBO Annie --the cheek of it",
"The children keep telling me to go sit on the naughty step"

So Annie, is it true your applying for a part in the new 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film with Johnny Depp ?

"Oh I'd fit in well there wouldn't I, with my ASBO and cutlass , I can think of a few 'mods' to have walk the plank at the Osterley studios"

Well Annie, I'd love to chat longer but our times running out--
One last question -- When you've served your forum ban, will you come back a stronger person for it ?
"hahaha Batty have you lost the plot", "the forum is for the players to have fun and enjoy the threads" !!
Thank you Annie, we all look forward to seeing you back soon, i for one miss your cheeky chatter--
(this interview is fictitious, 'allegedly' but could be true)
Look out, you could be next in 'The Diary Interviews'

click on photo to enlarge

good news --
the ban was only for a month so --
she should be back anytime soon--
Can't wait for your next installment.