Having the impression that our TSP guys are going to be entered for live tournaments in the coming few months, why are they not playing many tournies on here ?
Out of the whole team Gliterbabe is the only one who has cashed at all in any Sky tournaments this month.
I dont imagine Sky are going to be putting you in to play cash anywhere, so its surprising you are not putting in more tourny time. You all have frightening and profitable skills at the cash tables, and may have the incentive to play there at the moment.
It would be good to see you all getting involved in more MTTs for two reasons.
Firstly to generate more interest in some of our tournies, the Monday £20 deepie would benefit from your presence, and maybe we could even revive the dead Sunday £50 deepie too.
Secondly there is a huge difference between tournies and cash, and sometimes the adjustment is tricky and takes time. I have more confidence in some of the team than others in making that adjustment quickly.
The best of luck to you all !
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Hi Tony,
Watch this space!
You will be seeing exactly what your Post suggests. Everything is being organised & set up as we speak. It's incredibly complex to get all the little ducks lined up at the same time, & it's been a slightly difficult week, with all the nonsense & stuff, but details will be coming very soon.
All of the TSP boys, meanwhile, have been hard at work on the Cash Tables, while the backroom boys - I think I'm the water-carrier - organise all the ancillary stuff that goes with TSP. I'm running as fast as my little legs will go......
News sooooooooooooooooooon.
PS - I've just stuck a Blog up, by the bye. Some of which may interest you. (Luton tomorrow?).
Can I buy into that GUKPT tomorrow?
unless im in the tournament though.
Dont know about the t-shirts though
10k BH sat
20 gtd
100 DS
velocity sat
100 gtd
omaha hilo
500 BH
take on tikay
250 gtd
None of the above, and none of anything i can see in the lobby is that attractive to play remembering TSP players are mainly, if not wholly professional players. I don't really think the TSP'ers necessarily need practice playing micro buyin small field mtt's. If anything, i suggest it would negatively affect their games.
They are of course good mtt players as well as cash who have proved they are more than capable in the tournament arena. Just have a look at past results and sharkscope stats
But the point of my post was that I would like to see the TSP guys, (and more of the excellent cash specialists) supporting the better tournies.
I also still think there is a valid point about the difficulty of switching from cash to tournies.
Lolufold after Vegas certainly has nothing to prove ! Nor does Dan after his SPT year.
A couple of years ago Gliterbabe was playing lots of MTT here before finding a lucrative niche on the cash tables. Every time I look at his cash table he seems to have the biggest stack and never hides from anyone.
James has a few excellent tournament results on his CV.
But I have played with him in several tournaments, both SPT and online where he has made mistakes and gone out early. And he has always of course been honest enough to be totally selfcritical afterwards, and would probably also admit that his game which works so well at cash needs tweaking in tournies.
So I am sure that they will be asked to play a lot more MTTs here before their major events and hope this helps James and the others, as I really want them all to do well.
I don't really know James as a person just as lJamesl on sky. We all know that he is a **** of a cash player and when it comes to mtt's on sky we haven't seen him play that much - why - probably because other sites have more appeal to him with bigger value mtt's but when he played the £220 jobbie the other month,most of the community were in awe of his play - just incredible tbh and an inspiration to any1 watching that tournament . Lolufold had a great result in the WSOP but James has nothing to prove in Live Poker imo, he has incrredible results in GUKPT and EPT's and through that has the best Live Poker CV from the group imo. All these guys will do great and with James style he will be a real force on the Live circuit with our without TSP.

With regards to your SPT comment of James having an early exit Tony - tbh I don't think that he can be judged on that - no doubt James was playing aggro in order to get a stack because tbf in these things you need a lot of luck due to how fast they play therefore I see noting wrong going FTW early in them rather than folding your way out, that just aint his style and long may it continue
Maybe I am wrong, just because I find it hard to take my tournament skills to the cash tables !
And yes Dyl , I did watch that £220 event, he was brilliant to watch. Poker as I love to see it played.
I too think it would be incredibly difficult to find a better TSP.
And I would love to hear and learn from any of their comments on switching between cash and tournies
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