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I'm leaving

bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
edited October 2010 in Poker Chat

Well, it is Autumn.

Seriously, what's with all the hissy fits and toys-out-pram syndrome this week? I've been away from the forums for a bit but has something happened that I've missed?

Is it that Sky Poker team thing? Considering myself a considerably better player than Dan, lolufold, ljamesl and gliterbabe and in possession of more sex appeal than LML I'm a tad peeved at being overlooked myself but the injustice will just make me try harder.

Or have bad people being calling other people names?! Jeez, sticks and stones and all that. Not everybody's going to like you whatever you do. The most cheek I ever get is from my best friends and I wouldn't have it any other way. The truth is out there.

Or is it bad beats? I've just had the most expensive poker week of my life (by far). Half bad luck, half my own stupidity. C'est la vie. Someone famous once said, "Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes, they only recognize them." I forget who, but touche. Some people, alas, can't even recognize them.

In saying that, if I don't win the free Primo entry for that avatar competition I'm off too! ;-)


  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited October 2010
    +1 mate!

    The voice of reason!

  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited October 2010
    spot on, and you have to get past me in leaving if i don`t win free primo entry for the same comp, mind you ell captain ( mr miyagi ) will probably throw me out or give me a free transfer off purples gl in primo any hows, here a thought wonder how many with these balls thingy will end up on same table lol
  • warticwartic Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010
    DOHHHHHHHHHH it was obviously a bad night at the tables...... the lappy had been put away by half two in the morning.
    How come no one is leaving over putting out passwords for freerolls on the Devils plaything called Facebook
  • harding10harding10 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010
    on a jet plane
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited October 2010
    that is the tree from the ring...spooky
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited October 2010
    Has dohhhhhhhhhhhhh had a mad rant and his post deleted???
  • KKarlos93KKarlos93 Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2010
    I have always defended sky but the forum this week tells a story a lot of us have been beaten with a **** stick and lost a lot of money, I am playing the best poker i have ever played but sky keeps on dealling beat after beat at me so i aint putting any more cash into sky, on FT and PS i am playing a very similar game and winning money, all i ask for is a fair run and a lot of us are not getting it
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    Has dohhhhhhhhhhhhh had a mad rant and his post deleted???
    Posted by donkeyplop

    That's what I'm wondering.

    It better not have been abuse towards me Dohlicious!

    Or I'm leaving :-)
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,411
    edited October 2010
    Perhaps Sky don't go along with the view
    "That the customer is always right even when they are wrong"

  • torryboytorryboy Member Posts: 459
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    I have always defended sky but the forum this week tells a story a lot of us have been beaten with a **** stick and lost a lot of money, I am playing the best poker i have ever played but sky keeps on dealling beat after beat at me so i aint putting any more cash into sky, on FT and PS i am playing a very similar game and winning money, all i ask for is a fair run and a lot of us are not getting it
    Posted by KKarlos93
    Get a grip your playing and losing yourself, There aint a little man throwing bad beats at you.

    When you win its your skill when you lose its a little Sky Mod picking on ya hee hee
  • KKarlos93KKarlos93 Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving : Get a grip your playing and losing yourself, There aint a little man throwing bad beats at you. When you win its your skill when you lose its a little Sky Mod picking on ya hee hee
    Posted by torryboy
    Trust me i can post hand examples if you like sky has been taking to micky the last couple of weeks, i am a good player i make money elsewhere, and if you think you can out play me then i am happy to play you heads up on full tilt or poker stars say $100 each $0.50 $1 blinds???  send me a PM if your interested???
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving : Trust me i can post hand examples if you like sky has been taking to micky the last couple of weeks, i am a good player i make money elsewhere, and if you think you can out play me then i am happy to play you heads up on full tilt or poker stars say $100 each $0.50 $1 blinds???  send me a PM if your interested???
    Posted by KKarlos93
    How can it be Sky,s fault?, they dont tell the RNG to deal you cards, it wouldnt be in there interest to do it, you have had only 2 weeks of variance, wait til you get to 7 weeks like I did :)
  • torryboytorryboy Member Posts: 459
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving : Trust me i can post hand examples if you like sky has been taking to micky the last couple of weeks, i am a good player i make money elsewhere, and if you think you can out play me then i am happy to play you heads up on full tilt or poker stars say $100 each $0.50 $1 blinds???  send me a PM if your interested???
    Posted by KKarlos93
    Ok, but first I will make sure the invisible bad beat man is working for me lol
  • Sky_Mod4Sky_Mod4 Member Posts: 176
    edited October 2010

    I have had to delete a post in this thread as it broke the Forum rules.

    Thank you for your understanding

    Sky Mod
  • KKarlos93KKarlos93 Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    Hey I have had to delete a post in this thread as it broke the Forum rules. Thank you for your understanding Sky Mod
    Posted by Sky_Mod4
    okay I see its the post where I put a link to a site which completely discredits your RNG that you are deleting well my last post in area 51 still stands prove to your players how random your RNG actually is please???  And I do not mean a certificate that says it is considered to be random
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: I'm leaving:
    Take variance out of the equation by just watching a couple of tables on Sky and a couple on ane of the bigger sites for few days. You will soon see the number of flush draws,straight draws etc are way more common on Sky.
    Posted by steveskin1
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited October 2010
    KKarlos93 ... All i ever see you do on this forum is complain about bad beats, about Sky Poker robbing your money etc etc etc etc ... if it's bothering you that much, why don't you just not play on the site? Instead of posting complete and utter c r a p on the forum nearly everyday. You're Boring!
  • KAM99KAM99 Member Posts: 773
    edited October 2010
    Karlos its kind of pointless blaming the RNG for losing money. I have played on Fulltilt for about 2 years (about 360,000 hands) and if you can win money there you can win money here as well. Or you should be able to if you are as reasonably skilled as you seem to be claiming.

    I only really decided to play on sky as my PC blew up and being lazy about building a new one I picked it as a good time to take a couple of months off of serious playing of poker, but I missed it a bit so I signed up and played via the set top box and sky remote. I ony stuck on a £100 just so I could check out how the tables played. Even though I normally play 100nl or 200nl depending on the amount of tables I decided it would be fun to play to normal bankroll rules and see how it went. I quickly made the 100 into 200 and then took a nasty run of 12 buyin drop all or which I was 80% or better when the money went in (including 2 one outer outdraws). Still, that sucked but it was just a bad run, and so I just carried on and currently I'm at £330, which is pretty reasonable as I've only played about 2 hours here and there on odd days, stuck to playing 10nl and been limited to only playing one table at a time due to playing on the set top box (boy did that feel slow compared to multi-tabling. lol).

    That said, I will agree with you a little. The RNG on Sky does seem a little off. It's not rigged of course, as Sky just aren't that dumb. But my gut is telling me based on the last month and a half that it might be dealing a little to many suited flops, and paired boards compared to what you might statistically expect. However without being able to use PT 3 or Holdem manager to really see if what I think I'm seeing is fact or just usual eyes playing tricks on me, which can happen over small sample sizes of cards, To get a true reading you'd need 50,000-100,000 as a sample size to take into account all the possible variances. Lets face it, Fulltilt has its own very big, long thread on the forums where the rigged crowd rant and rave that FT is not legit either. Always the case though that their evidence is a few bad beats over a small time period and sample size of cards, which is just never going to prove anything.

    Still, I'm not claiming it is wrong, as over small samples things can appear to be wrong when they aren't at all. Maybe when Sky gets downloadable software we will be able to get the answers, though I think I heard on one of the programs they might not allow things like PT3 or holdem manager anyway.Tgis may not be right, so excuse me if its posted somewhere on the forum, as not had chance to look over it all yet due to the above mention of my PC, :)

    Last thing I will say is if you think a site is rigged or an RNG is so bad you don't want to play there, then don't. If you don't think any site is any good then go and play live. If after you find you get sick beats there as well, then give up poker and take up a different game. :)
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited October 2010
    just like to say kam, a very good post put in a very constructive way. my thoughts exactly but put in a slightly better way than if i had down it!!
  • stienstien Member Posts: 332
    edited October 2010

    I've commented on these threads often and I do have my doubts, here's 4 hands from last night

    QQ x 3, all flopped sets

    won one v AK brd AQxAx

    lost two

    xxQAx v AA - To add insult to injury he slow rolled my turn shove.

    AxQTx v KJ

    And I thought it was hard to make a big hand? Bigger than QQQ!!

    I did win JJ v KK when I hit 4 spades on the r, boy did I get some abuse for that, all money in pf.

    Flopped quads twice and made quads one other time, these used to be rare.

    5 hours playing 3 tables.

    It does appear that huge hands clash too often, if your on the right side of it its great but get on the wrong side and its a nightmare trying to overcome the stacks your losing. Who's not getting it in with QQQ on a xxQA brd when the villain bets into you again on the turn?

    Maybe I'm just unlucky, I cant hit a draw anywhere near expectation but villains keep hitting 2/4 outers for huge pots. The RNG is certified, but I see this all too often.

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