i remember lucky, like you say i just saw it under maxally name. great charity and i am sure dohhhhs £ 100 donation will be much appreciated!!!!!!!! Posted by pod1
no worries m8ty im actually sure that dohhh will make a couple of places, as he is a good player
looking for a big field today as its another 4fit day, me seeing him in the deepies is good enough so i have decided if i win a ds on any 4fit day i will donate 50%
well hope to see u all in and gl
p.s hi tikay if u see this message i would like to ask if u would be so kind and register for one of these 4fit days
Yahhhhh it's game no.2 this afternoon, of a painful 5. If I fail today the pressure is really gonna start to mount as I reach the half way point of my charity challenge.
You'd think that the poker gods would be smiling on me as I'm playing for charity wouldn't ya?? Let me win a flip 1 timeeeeeeeeeeee
Gonna go register early now, if we get above 30 runners, they pay top 5 so I have more chance of getting some money on the board. Tell ya mates and register asap.
In Response to dohhhhhs forfeit decision: Lucky, I won £16.00 in the deep stack, £18.85 just after in a DYM (LOL) that makes £50.00 (LOL) , how do I get it to you??. Kind regards
In Response to dohhhhhs forfeit decision : Lucky, I won £16.00 in the deep stack, £18.85 just after in a DYM (LOL) that makes £50.00 (LOL) , how do I get it to you??. Kind regards Posted by ALIVEHAT60
once again tyvm for your kindness i will send u a p.m nearer the time wd again top man
I give up trying to beat you two. After winning the £100 bh yesterday and coming 2nd in the £500 gtd tonight (plus 2nd in a 160 runner bh) I have decided that the deepie is fixed and I'm not playing any more [pout].
hi all ty for playing especially you doh in your challenge
another great game today and this is on the back of the 11-15 ds last night of 1st place ) £24
and i was short stacked both times from last to 1st )
lucky777771100001£22 + 10 League PointsWUBBZY140102£13.20 + 8 League PointsMAXALLY03£8.80 + 6 League Pointsfr4nkie044 League PointsDODGYBOI052 League Points
U must have changed your game theres no way u cud win this playing like u did before.
Alot of good seems to have come out of our competition, you playing alot better seems to be one of them. Think the Irish Man must take credit for that.
Talking about improving your game is alot better than moaning about the RNG right?
My last chance to win something for charity on Wednesday - hope to cu all there.
ty mr doh and yes u are right concentrate to beat the rng spot on super dooper not really changed my game just using a bit more selected cards but our comp was personal lol na it was great ty for your challenge a worthy challenger u r ty again but remember deepy as every time i get to a final table i am short stacked the couple i have won in last 3 days have been short stacked an example yesterday in a deepy i had 15k i hiy trip q on river another big stack put me allin i would normally fold and wait but i called being too loose he had straight
roll up peeps dohhhhs last day for his challenge hope to see a good field gl to all
lol unlucky Lucy and well played Exs fallen Exs for coming form behind and making the penniez!!!
Disappointed with my performance over the 5 forfeit games, I lost 3 flips, had 1 brutal outdraw and cn't even remember the other exit!!
I will stick to the £15 agreed, plus add the 1st prize today which was £24, so I'll send off £39 to the charity (and 10 league points), + half of everything I win when I play this in the future.
Been good fun at times (mega boring at other times) but the chatbox has always been worth the entry fee.
Well played again to the cash-ers today, and the chatboxers!
Cu in it sometime....urm.....not soon......but.....sometime......
Lucky, I won £16.00 in the deep stack, £18.85 just after in a DYM (LOL) that makes £50.00 (LOL) , how do I get it to you??. Kind regards
Thoroughly outplayed by my opponent, fair play.
Wow. Good work Lucy.
U must have changed your game theres no way u cud win this playing like u did before.
Alot of good seems to have come out of our competition, you playing alot better seems to be one of them. Think the Irish Man must take credit for that.
Talking about improving your game is alot better than moaning about the RNG right?
My last chance to win something for charity on Wednesday - hope to cu all there.
just like to thank all for playing
here is the result