just thought id say hi to everyone, old faces and new, having had a torrid time of it last few months ive returned. having left due to financial issues, mainly finishing university and alas no jobs available (typical lol) and so withdrew my roll in order to live on, try playing poker when your bankroll is pretty much the only money you have, definately influenced my play. i only put in a little amount, which ive managed to nearly triple with some decent play and a decent tourny result. and so ill be playing probably NL10 for a while just till i get back sorted again. some nice guys at that level, had some good chats already. and my play has improved massively since i last played. especially my ability to stay calm. ive lost a couple big pots very unluckily and a few months ago i would have seriously tilted, steamed all over the place lol but i stayed calm, said nh or good call in the chat box and carried on. anyway, ive rambled enough, people who dont know me will be thinking whats this guy on about haha.
final words, congrats sky, the design or this whole site, and the look of the tables is fantastic. everything is well designed, and you keep finding ways of making it better. any jobs in your design department?

haha worth a shot, but no seriously good job.
good luck at the tables, see you around.
Welcome back fellow Owl
Welcome back Hurst good to see you again & gl at the tables m8
Welcome back Hurst and gl m8
Goodluck grinding your way back up, i'm sure we will be battling it out again very soon.
Welcome back m8