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Reducing By Team Sky

k88mossk88moss Member Posts: 4
edited October 2010 in Poker Chat
Hilarious how LOLUFOLD team sky ambassador likes to reduce whenever the game gets deep. He had a 10k stack on 1 of our 2 tables and decided to leave as soon as I double my stack. He was however happy to play 4 tables starting at 100bb to which I obliged and luckily managed to get most back...surely this isn't the type of etiquette TEAM SKY should be promoting?

 Mrs Moss xxx


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2010

    Been watching loads of these games, and he does leave everytime it gets above 300xbb deep. Or nits up for 10 mins then leaves.

    Why do u tilt so bad and start 6 buy ins behind everytime??? Why don't u just outplay him at the start???

    Don't think the the questioning team sky route is the way to go though, you need to make it personal.

    Ask him where his heart and commitment is!!! :)

    Look forward to watching future games, whilst folding my way to another £10+1 dym win

    Good luckkkkkkkkkkkk Misss Mosssssss
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited October 2010
    Ok maybe im missing a point, at low stakes i always look for people with 300x BB plus, good money for me to take.

    However looking at it the other way, maybe it prevents a heavy loss should he make a mistake? One way of protecting the BR?
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited October 2010
    this is completely standard and i dont consider it bad etiquette. If he doesnt want to play deep he doesnt have to.

    Maybe if he gives a warning next time before you start playing though just to clarify.
  • stienstien Member Posts: 332
    edited October 2010

    Is this not simply ratholing described by a different name? If it is how can it not be bad etiquette when its banned on all sites I've played on? If he tried to sit back back in he would have to bring his big stack with him. If the tactic is as blatant as dohhh describes it is very poor etiquette IMO.


    Sparce your a great player but if this is indeed ratholing you do yourself no favours trying to justify it, if I am wrong I apologise in advance. I have seen a well known player employing the same tactics at 6 max when he hits 300bb's, yes, we may leave whenever we wish to but if this is done repeatedly its out of order IMO.

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited October 2010
    Lolufold isnt denying k88moss a chance to win his money back. Its extremely common practise HU on all sites to move to new tables when you get deep. If im playing someone i think i dont have a big edge on its probably not a good idea to play 300bbs deep.

    Ratholing is generally only frowned upon when people buy in for less than 100bbs.
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
      Is this not simply ratholing described by a different name? If it is how can it not be bad etiquette when its banned on all sites I've played on? If he tried to sit back back in he would have to bring his big stack with him. If the tactic is as blatant as dohhh describes it is very poor etiquette IMO.   Sparce your a great player but if this is indeed ratholing you do yourself no favours trying to justify it, if I am wrong I apologise in advance. I have seen a well known player employing the same tactics at 6 max when he hits 300bb's, yes, we may leave whenever we wish to but if this is done repeatedly its out of order IMO.
    Posted by stien
    What has Sparce got to do with anything? He doesn't reduce ever.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2010
    Hi K88 love railing you too, personally i have seen lolufold get up to 6k a few times and not reduce it so how you explain that? have you questioned him as im sure he would answer
  • stienstien Member Posts: 332
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky : What has Sparce got to do with anything? He doesn't reduce ever.
    Posted by BrownnDog

    Apologies Sparce of course I was referring to offshoot comments on the thread, but its nice to see you still following my every word bdog!

  • stienstien Member Posts: 332
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    Lolufold isnt denying k88moss a chance to win his money back. Its extremely common practise HU on all sites to move to new tables when you get deep. If im playing someone i think i dont have a big edge on its probably not a good idea to play 300bbs deep. Ratholing is generally only frowned upon when people buy in for less than 100bbs.
    Posted by offshoot

    Offshoot, try buying in for a full buy in and double up, leave and see if you can return 5 mins later for only one full buy in, if its not frowned upon why won't sites allow you to do it?
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky : Offshoot, try buying in for a full buy in and double up, leave and see if you can return 5 mins later for only one full buy in, if its not frowned upon why won't sites allow you to do it?
    Posted by stien
    Lolufold leaves the table cos he doesnt want to play deep, this is reasonable.

    ok so if k88moss still wants to play  he can join another table and continue playing, its a new game though so its not ratholing.  Its totally different to a 6 max scenario where someone leaves and the game carries on.
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited October 2010
    Stien, I think you misunderstand what is happening here. You can only 'reduce' on Sky if both players agree ie they both stand and then resit with 100bbs. K88 has a choice whether she wants to do this or not, if K88 does not agree to this then lolufold cannot 'reduce'.

    It is common practice for both players to reset their stacks once they become deep as to reduce the huge swings that would occur if they were both 200bb+ deep each. On different sites the two people would usually just find a different table to play at, whereas on Sky you can reset the stacks if both players stand.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    Stien, I think you misunderstand what is happening here. You can only 'reduce' on Sky if both players agree  ie they both stand and then resit with 100bbs. K88 has a choice whether she wants to do this or not, if K88 does not agree to this then lolufold cannot 'reduce'. It is common practice for both players to reset their stacks once they become deep as to reduce the huge swings that would occur if they were both 200bb+ deep each. On different sites the two people would usually just find a different table to play at, whereas on Sky you can reset the stacks if both player stand.
    Posted by Cowgomoo
    if this is true then why as k88 started the post about it as i dont understand how the cash works
  • stienstien Member Posts: 332
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    Stien, I think you misunderstand what is happening here. You can only 'reduce' on Sky if both players agree  ie they both stand and then resit with 100bbs. K88 has a choice whether she wants to do this or not, if K88 does not agree to this then lolufold cannot 'reduce'. It is common practice for both players to reset their stacks once they become deep as to reduce the huge swings that would occur if they were both 200bb+ deep each. On different sites the two people would usually just find a different table to play at, whereas on Sky you can reset the stacks if both players stand.
    Posted by Cowgomoo

    You learn something everyday, thanks Cowgomoo. If this is the case I have no idea why the post was created in the first place, just don't agree to reduce if you want to play deep, its simple.
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky : You learn something everyday, thanks Cowgomoo. If this is the case I have no idea why the post was created in the first place, just don't agree to reduce if you want to play deep, its simple.
    Posted by stien
    I would assume that lolufold gave k88 the choice of either 'we reduce or we don't play' so k88 would have had little choice if she did want to carrying on playing him.
  • GliterBabeGliterBabe Member Posts: 361
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky : I would assume that lolufold gave k88 the choice of either 'we reduce or we don't play' so k88 would have had little choice if she did want to carrying on playing him.
    Posted by Cowgomoo
    Exactly what happened!!!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited October 2010
    i thought you had to wait 30 mins before you could re-join the table with a lessened amount.

    Well that somes that up.
  • k88mossk88moss Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2010
    To be fair anyone can leave in poker whenever they want so...ok, but cant see anyone being happy about this ever happening to them...try this in a live game and see what happens to you!
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited October 2010
    k88 do you play at the vic?

  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited October 2010
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Reducing By Team Sky:
    Posted by BrownnDog
    ;) Lewis u make me lol - good spot :)
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