The entire Tourney schedule has been freshened up, but will NOT be introduced for another week or so, probably to coincide with the release of the DC.
The Main Events, however, WILL change from Monday November 1st, & on the same night, & going forward, a new Tourney will begin, starting at 10pm each WEEKDAY Evening, & costing £11 to enter.
It will be 2,000 chips, 10 minute Blinds, £2,000 Guarantee, standard NLH.
The Tourney name will be the "TSP CLASSIC".
On EACH weekday night, at least ONE of the Team Sky Poker crew will play it.
All of them have been assigned a night each week to play this (and other stuff, more of which later, & separately), but the first few weeks of November look like this......
Monday 1st - DanTB10
Tuesday 2nd - LML
Wednesday 3rd - LjamesL (Still TBC)
Thursday 4th - GliterBabe
Friday 5th - LML
Monday 8th - DanTB10
Tuesday 9th - LML
Wednesday 10th - LjamesL (TBC)
Thursday 11th - LOLUFOLD
Friday 12th - LML
And so on.
Pretty much, each Member of TSP will play this Tourney at LEAST one night a week, on their "designated" night. Others MAY play it, in addition, or on "off nights", but that's up to them.
LML will combine her PTP evenings with TSP Evenings.
There are other TSP-related Online activities, more of which shortly, on a separate thread.
There are also other 865 changes, & more TSP-related activites. News on the wayyyyyyy....
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Orford to get inflation-busting payrise. To accomodate it: Tikay's wages to drop by the same amount.
Pah! That's my firrst speling mystake in 1766 postss. Trusst you to nottice, Lukcbox.
Another quality field.
I recon he must have a note on you saying "Bluffer"
I missed this last night.
Can someone please let me know.....
1) How many runners there were.
2) Where the TSP-ers finished?
3) Who won?
Thanks Alan, I appreciate that.