Yes, be sure to put the download software to it's first big test this Wednesday night on Sky Poker by entering all six of my Multiball games at 7.30pm.
Think it can handle it? More importantly- think YOU can handle it?
Two nights left till Multiball Madness: The Final Chapter.
Don't forget to sign up to all six games- they're in the lobby now. And make sure you've downloaded the all-new all-singing all-dancing Sky Poker software to play it on too!
OK, so the build-up begins in earnest. We have less than 24 hours to reg up for this major event. It's loads of fun and it's quite possibly the best test you're ever going to give your new download software.
The aim this week is to break last week's field of 51- despite increasing the number of tables and therefore the difficulty.
I wanna have a crack, it's a pretty cheap way of testing 6 tables on the download over a 2 hour period (if all goes to plan)
There's so many enter-able tournys now!!!
How about a comp within a comp, with a Thursday night BH prize for the top aggregate score over the 6 games tonight? - Will encourage ppl to play (me) who have no chance in the league.
Oh yes- the main league will come to an epic climax tonight for the SPT seat, Primo and Open Rebuy- but meantime to make sure EVERYONE has got something to aim for- we're wiping the slate clean for another competiton.
On the 28th December - Sky Poker are hosting their annual Santa's sack- a poker MTT with some amazing prizes....
Here they are:
1st- A 3D TV
2nd- An Ipad
3rd- A Blu-Ray Home Cinema
4th-An XBox Kinect Bundle
5th- A digital camera
6th- An SPT seat
Seriously, how good is that? I want to play in this myself- I'd happily take any of those prizes. (Hint for anyone wishing to buy me a Christmas present this year )
You can't purchase seats into this comp- you have to be lucky enough to knock out Sky Santa, Sky Rudolph or Sky Elf from one of our main events between now and Chrimbo.
But- now you have a chance to use your poker edge to gain entry!
Prove yourself to be in the top 3 best tonight in my six tounaments of Multiballs and you're in.
The Top 3 players to cash across all six tourneys will win immediately the se spot-prizes as well as add to their totals in themain league.
Oh yes- the main league will come to an epic climax tonight for the SPT seat, Primo and Open Rebuy- but meantime to make sure EVERYONE has got something to aim for- we're wiping the slate clean for another competiton. On the 28th December - Sky Poker are hosting their annual Santa's sack- a poker MTT with some amazing prizes.... Here they are: 1st- A 3D TV 2nd- An Ipad 3rd- A Blu-Ray Home Cinema 4th-An XBox Kinect Bundle 5th- A digital camera 6th- An SPT seat Seriously, how good is that? I want to play in this myself- I'd happily take any of those prizes. (Hint for anyone wishing to buy me a Christmas present this year ) You can't purchase seats into this comp- you have to be lucky enough to knock out Sky Santa, Sky Rudolph or Sky Elf from one of our main events between now and Chrimbo. But- now you have a chance to use your poker edge to gain entry! Prove yourself to be in the top 3 best tonight in my six tounaments of Multiballs and you're in. The Top 3 players to cash across all six tourneys will win immediately the se spot-prizes as well as add to their totals in themain league. Get reggin' and good luck!!! Posted by RICHORFORD
Wow looking at that i just realised how much multiballs really has gave me something to do on a wednessday night.
Anyways again at those prizes, jeez if i get in im finnishing 6th. I cant garentee to win it and i dont want the rest of the prizes lol.
cause looking at the board you have a chance if you can win 2 of them :P
Anyways, i plan on winning one, maybe two if i hit some cards. GRRR Whens my luckbox stage comming lol.
Take it out of santas sack and put it into rich's multiple sack!! haha ..Nobody will notice!
I've twisted the arm of the nice man from marketing and I now have in my hands- THREE seats to the Santa's Sack tournament on the 28th December!
Yes, these are seats that money cannot buy- you have to be lucky to have won them in the main events.
Once in Santa's sack you are playing a fantastic tourney with loads of game-show style prizes on offer incldung Ipads and 3D TVs!!!
The winner of those 3 seatswill be the 3 players who cash the highest amount of money across tonight's 6 tournaments in total.
That will be irrespective of what has been cashed in previous weeks- although of course the main league will still stand for the SPT seat etc.
So, what are you waiting for? The ultimate incentive to play the multiballs has arrived! Get regging now in the lobby!!!!!
Im in, but if you rig it i wont support u afterwards lol. Afterall you only won it last week because i cheered you onto victory
On the 28th December - Sky Poker are hosting their annual Santa's sack- a poker MTT with some amazing prizes....
Here they are:
1st- A 3D TV
2nd- An Ipad
3rd- A Blu-Ray Home Cinema
4th-An XBox Kinect Bundle
5th- A digital camera
6th- An SPT seat
Seriously, how good is that? I want to play in this myself- I'd happily take any of those prizes. (Hint for anyone wishing to buy me a Christmas present this year
You can't purchase seats into this comp- you have to be lucky enough to knock out Sky Santa, Sky Rudolph or Sky Elf from one of our main events between now and Chrimbo.
But- now you have a chance to use your poker edge to gain entry!
Prove yourself to be in the top 3 best tonight in my six tounaments of Multiballs and you're in.
The Top 3 players to cash across all six tourneys will win immediately the se spot-prizes as well as add to their totals in themain league.
Get reggin' and good luck!!!
Anyways again at those prizes, jeez if i get in im finnishing 6th. I cant garentee to win it and i dont want the rest of the prizes lol.
I've just sent you an email, can you check it please!
Thank You
Good luck everyone 6-tabling tonight
We have 15 runners and I'm confident tonight we will beat last week's field of 51.
Test the new download software by playing all 6 Multiball tourneys at once and win some top prizes!