I'm SO excited!!
TOO EXCITED!! Just one sleep until Blackpool! YEY!!! BOOM!! and Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Mr Tikay Sir and I will be bickering, analysing and sharing DEEP abiding JOY tonight and all weekend.. and I for one CANNOT wait.
It all kicks off tonight with a rip roaring, kick A.S.S Sky Sports extravaganza.. It's going to be an AWESOME show and there may even by prizes 
Did I mention I'm EXCITED??!!!!
So gimme your Hand IDs and your SPT messages... also any last last longer/prop bets you guys may have for this weekend..
Or even if you guys fancy setting up or challenging Tikay and I or anyone else to such a bet ..
Obviously you'll lose (Have you seen my amazing AJ 3-bet masterplay?) but it'll be a whole lotta fun trying!
So there you have it.. I'm currently packing my weekend bag.. Tikay told me I needed to remember to bring protection so I've arranged for two ex Navy Seals.. Heinz and Bruce to accompany me to Sky HQ. That should do the job no? I'm sure he said something about Prophylactics but where the **** am I going to find some flying dinosaurs in this day and age? The old fella is losing it if you ask me.
The 5.30pm Double stack satellite is up and so far just one entrant off of two seats! At £48 for a chance at a £220 seat.. that's pretty good VALOOOO!
Also our very own Richard Orford is playing along so make sure you get yourself to his table to put off.. erm.. I mean 'rail' him in his (Probably very shortlived) Double stack quest for glory...
Search 'Find a player' under RICHORFORD and proceed directly to the table..
There will even be a free entry into a TSP classic tourney of your choice on offer to one lucky Railer... Watch the show for more details!!
Two things.
1. Technically isn't your speciality an AJ 3-CALL masterplay?
2. I think by protection Tikay probably meant ear plugs. (yes, I do mean ear!)
Tikay's got 50th.. and I've got 49th..
So where do you think he will place??
That Tourney entry into TSP classic is up for grabs..
(And just for fun..how do you think the hand will play out)
Rich is on the button
3 players limp
Rich with AJc shoves all in hoping to steal
SB folds
BB goes all in covering Rich
2 limpers fold
Rich shows AJc
BB shows A10o
Rich gets knocked out by a 4-flush
We all laugh.
Tell you what, rather Orford than me, against this stellar field. 43 were Reg'd with an hour to go, what a field!
Can't make SPT Blackpool because of work, but GL all and i'll be at the next one for sure.
Though in this field I can't see anything more than a respectable 25th place finish for Sky Pokers 2nd best presenter!