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Tough decisions in poker...

scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
edited August 2009 in Poker Chat
I hate them :(
heapey0015 Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £19.25
No1B_stard Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £56.87
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • J
scotty77 Raise   £2.00 £2.75 £102.18
GBD301 Raise   £3.50 £6.25 £46.96
barry3 Fold        
POKER80Y Fold        
heapey0015 Fold        
No1B_stard Call   £3.00 £9.25 £53.87
scotty77 Call   £1.50 £10.75 £100.68
  • 9
  • 10
  • K
No1B_stard All-in   £53.87 £64.62 £0.00
scotty77 Call   £53.87 £118.49 £46.81
GBD301 All-in   £46.96 £165.45 £0.00
  • 2
  • 4
No1B_stard Show
  • K
  • A
scotty77 Show
  • Q
  • J
GBD301 Muck
  • K
  • Q
scotty77 Win Straight to the King £163.65   £210.46


  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited August 2009
      LOL  ...Tough  decisions ....Well no  one said this game was easy ??  What  ???

    Nh  wp   jammy  g i t !!!!   why cant that happen  to me

     glk benny
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2009
    Why the hel is GBD301 calling? lol
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited August 2009
    CeeJayPee Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £51.95
    Leroybrown Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £106.36
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 5
    raffles65 Raise   £2.50 £3.25 £42.97
    scotty77 Call   £2.50 £5.75 £113.68
    Pooyan Fold        
    CeeJayPee Fold        
    Leroybrown Call   £2.00 £7.75 £104.36
    • 4
    • 6
    • 3
    Leroybrown Check        
    raffles65 Check        
    scotty77 Bet   £5.81 £13.56 £107.87
    Leroybrown Raise   £11.62 £25.18 £92.74
    raffles65 Fold        
    scotty77 Raise   £29.05 £54.23 £78.82
    Leroybrown All-in   £92.74 £146.97 £0.00
    scotty77 Call   £69.50 £216.47 £9.32
    • 2
    • Q
    Leroybrown Show
    • Q
    • Q
    scotty77 Show
    • 2
    • 5
    scotty77 Win Straight to the 6 £214.67   £223.99

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited August 2009
    3 lessons there guys.

    Don't slowplay QQ PF.
    Don't then stack off 200bbs with one pair on the most yuck board.
    Sky is rigged in my favour :)
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