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Question for some of the big rake builders....

FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
edited November 2010 in Poker Chat
I play 50nl and 6 tables at a time (I can and have played up to 9 before)... How many hours a day do you think it would take to make 24k points in a month?

I work fulltime at the moment, I have thought for a long time about playing full time but with the kids and the Mrs to think about iv never gone for it, if I could guarentee at least 1k a month in rakeback then thats a wage and then would probably only need about £1000 a month in profits to be better off than I am now.


  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2010
    Wow gl with it,if it is what you are gonna do,xxx
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 2010

    This month i will have played 28 days, 8-9 tables and about 4 hours per day.  I need 1500 points to hit the 20k points mark.
    I think you could make it as a pro player but i would say get Christmas out the way first and make sure you have a min 75 buyin roll, and at least 2/3 months living expenses put to one side.
    If you already have all the xmas stuff sorted for the bin lids then give it a go now.

  • steveskin1steveskin1 Member Posts: 91
    edited October 2010
    I wish you all the best if try this venture.
    I would just keep in mind that Sky can change the points rakeback at any time.
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited October 2010
    What level freechips?
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2010
    so jealous wish i could even contemplate this.... one day i tell thee best of luck flash if you decide to take the plunge. Buy this months WPT magazine section on becoming online pro & they continue it next week i personally think its good obviously doesnt apply to me though
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited October 2010
    I am 3 points away from 1000 points loooooooooooooool!

  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    What level freechips?
    Posted by SoLack
    95% has been at £50nl other 5% has been spent spewing at £200nl hehe
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders.... : 95% has been at £50nl other 5% has been spent spewing at £200nl hehe
    Posted by freechips1
    LOL Love it :)

  • the_gibbthe_gibb Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2010
    I got 24k points (1k cash) playing everyday, various hours each day from 2 to 10 ........playing 4 tables 50/1 and 1/2 hope this helps m8!


  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    This month i will have played 28 days, 8-9 tables and about 4 hours per day.  I need 1500 points to hit the 20k points mark. I think you could make it as a pro player but i would say get Christmas out the way first and make sure you have a min 75 buyin roll, and at least 2/3 months living expenses put to one side. If you already have all the xmas stuff sorted for the bin lids then give it a go now.
    Posted by freechips1
    Do you play full time m8?

    Its nice of you to say you think I could make it, we obv play together alot. I'm suprised you are still short of 20k, but only 4 hours a day is a small amount compared to a full time player as I would expect to be playing about 6 hours a day.

    Agreed about getting crimbo out of the way, I have a 40buyin roll which I "cash back to" each week but i'm not as agro as you so I think thats probs OK atm. I'm planning on spending my winnings on a new motor at the moment, then I think I'll try smashing it and see how much I can make, If I make TSP then full time is a must
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited October 2010
    do you play 6 hours a day now? i would say that playing a lot of hours is a lot harder than you think it is. You need to get used to playing longer sessions and not losing focus. Adding extra hours to the session is easy but pointless if your spewing off all your money in the last hour because you cant concentrate and are making stupid mistakes. Also remember that theres gonna be times where you tilt or are running horribly where you have to quit or sometimes theres not games at the times of the day you want to play at(not sure what the 50nl traffic is like atm tbh tho).

    All these things can be overcome though, just as long as you take them into account. if you really wanted to do it im sure you would have no problem. At the start of the year i was making 24kpts playing only 50nl but i used to play longer sessions then like 8 hrs a day.
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 2010
    I started playing sort of semi pro at the start of the year, My aim was to make £12k this year and work (Builder) 3/4 days a week.
    I got off to a great start so i have not looked or advertised for any work i think i have only done 12 days proper work this year, LOL im soo lazy.
    The part i find hard is the swings, i had a -35 buyin swing a few months back at 100nl, its a mental killer.  another thing i find hard is, poker can be soooo boring, every night i am dreading the kids going to bed at 8 coz now i have to start playing.  Its great when your running good but when your running bad you will hate it.
    Try and build your roll over the next few months so you have a good start with 75 buyin, i would not advise you to give up your full time job and take a shot at it with only 40 buyin.
    you have any questions i will try and answer them for you BTW my answer might be wrong, lol, gl.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    do you play 6 hours a day now? i would say that playing a lot of hours is a lot harder than you think it is. You need to get used to playing longer sessions and not losing focus. Adding extra hours to the session is easy but pointless if your spewing off all your money in the last hour because you cant concentrate and are making stupid mistakes. Also remember that theres gonna be times where you tilt or are running horribly where you have to quit or sometimes theres not games at the times of the day you want to play at(not sure what the 50nl traffic is like atm tbh tho). All these things can be overcome though, just as long as you take them into account. if you really wanted to do it im sure you would have no problem. At the start of the year i was making 24kpts playing only 50nl but i used to play longer sessions then like 8 hrs a day.
    Posted by offshoot
    I would only play 2 hour sessions at a time I expect, I find it hard to play for longer without getting bored, but it only takes 30 mins - hour before I get the urge back.  I play for probs 3 hours total in the evenings after the kids are in bed, so another 3 hours in the day would be easy.

    I think making enough for me would be easy enough the biggest problem is if I stop work then the Mrs' family credit stuff stops and I can't see her letting me stop work to play poker all day unless I can prove I can cover it all.

    I'll probably just buy my new car for now, save up again, if that big win comes along then ill look again at it... Either that or ditch the mrs ;) lol
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders.... : I would only play 2 hour sessions at a time I expect, I find it hard to play for longer without getting bored, but it only takes 30 mins - hour before I get the urge back.  I play for probs 3 hours total in the evenings after the kids are in bed, so another 3 hours in the day would be easy. I think making enough for me would be easy enough the biggest problem is if I stop work then the Mrs' family credit stuff stops and I can't see her letting me stop work to play poker all day unless I can prove I can cover it all. I'll probably just buy my new car for now, save up again, if that big win comes along then ill look again at it... Either that or ditch the mrs ;) lol
    Posted by FlashFlush

    How can you have kids?

    You only look about 18! ;)

    ps. ditch the misses :)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited October 2010
    3!! lol. Always getting abused from the presenters for it (I'm 23 now but the youngest is 2 now!). 2 are mine the oldest is before we were together. I lead an epic life :-)
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited October 2010
    I would deffo want more than 40 buyins Flash.  Also, I dunno where you work, but how difficult would it be to get back into your line of work should everything go pearshaped.
    Also, if you are playing through the day, have you regularly played through the day before on Sky?  weekdays Im talking about.  Its a lot tougher than in the evenings, full of nitty regs you need coolers against to stack.
    I would also be assessing my winrate on other sites.  May be the case you can be a comfortable 50nl pro on here and not make a penny elsewhere.  Not saying this is the case but its a lot lot tougher in the `real world` lol.
    Someone mwntioned the rakeback system, they are right, anything could change at any moment.  I just would not like to put all my eggs in one basket and rely on Sky alone.
    All doom and gloom arent I lol, gl in whatever you do
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited October 2010
    if you really want to give this a go i think your best bet is to find a network with 50%+ rakeback
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Question for some of the big rake builders....:
    if you really want to give this a go i think your best bet is to find a network with 50%+ rakeback
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    but if your a winning player they may freeze your account, lol
  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2010
    If your reliant on cash for points to make a living I really wouldnt bother.

    Also i used to think it would be easy be able to play poker for 50 hours a week, it just wont happen. Thing is its intense you have to concentrate all the time where as a proper job you spend half time tossin it off.
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 2010
    I think what AJS means is you should be able to crush the level you play.
    I have played most of my poker this year at 100nl and i do show a profit playing 100nl.  My win rate is much higher at 50nl than it is at 100nl, thats why im back.  The bad sessions dont hurt as much and the winning sessions can be the same.
    I have alot of respect for any player who can play 8+ hours a day, i cant do it.  Its so hard to play poker for long periods of time and not get into the thing of just keep clicking the mouse for the sake of it.
    One question you need to ask yourself is 'am i a beter player than most of the 50nl regs and can i crush the fish of 50nl' if yes then go for it.  I think you can do it.  Btw the hand b4 me QQ you AK the way you played it i put you on the hand you had,  dont think thats the best way to play it, you play AA, KK differant.
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