I think Mickey is a great guy as does almost everyone who knows him. I'd love to see him back on the forum and think Sky should give him another chance, but ........
This isn't the way to achieve that. We've seen it happen before and Sky won't be seen to be pressurised by the forum on an issue like this. If Mickey is to get a reprieve then it has to be seen to come from Sky not as a result of a number of forum posts. I understand the motives and reasons of guys like Greg (who I respect greatly) in wanting to see the ban lifted, but I don't believe that this is the way to do it.
I will be sending a PM to Sky Bernie asking for Mickey's reinstatement to be considered. Representations for Mickey, done quietly and privately, from respected members might just have more effect.
Yeh, I think a year is long enough. He has surely learned his lesson. Seriously, when this guy walks down west street, about 20 scruffy kids follow him round just wanting to be him. He throws fivers at them from the previous evenings winnings......all hail the king of crewe
I think Mickey is a great guy as does almost everyone who knows him. I'd love to see him back on the forum and think Sky should give him another chance, but ........ This isn't the way to achieve that. We've seen it happen before and Sky won't be seen to be pressurised by the forum on an issue like this. If Mickey is to get a reprieve then it has to be seen to come from Sky not as a result of a number of forum posts. I understand the motives and reasons of guys like Greg (who I respect greatly) in wanting to see the ban lifted, but I don't believe that this is the way to do it. I will be sending a PM to Sky Bernie asking for Mickey's reinstatement to be considered. Representations for Mickey, done quietly and privately, from respected members might just have more effect. Posted by elsadog
So what you are saying is that, to quote skymod_4, "this thread serves no useful purpose":)
i think were wasting our time tho, sky made a point with him as he was quite popular and had a arguement which got out of hand and banned him 4 life..... bring back the mick me says
Again never met him but would be good to get this ban overturned,maybe meet in the middle and just give him his forum voice back and leave chatbox ban in place for a bit??
Lets see how many posts we can get about this so mickjenn1 can get posting again! A year is long enough without him! Posted by the_gibb
I don't why he's been banned,maybe he's an impolite fellow??? either way he don't need this,he lets his cards do the talking. Cardwise this dude is a Class act,and GL to him. Kind regards
Hasn't this been tried??? repeatedly???? Didn't work then & don't think it will work now
Not saying he shouldn't get his chat back just that forum pressure has never achieved the reinstatement of a player to chat or forum previously. There must have been 10 - 20 threads over the last 12 months to get Mickjens ban lifted, all to no avail i'm afraid
I would add my name to those who would love to see Mick allowed a final chance! He is a great asset to Sky and a very loyal customer to the brand. Posted by phil12uk
Hasn't this been tried??? repeatedly???? Didn't work then & don't think it will work now Not saying he shouldn't get his chat back just that forum pressure has never achieved the reinstatement of a player to chat or forum previously. There must have been 10 - 20 threads over the last 12 months to get Mickjens ban lifted, all to no avail i'm afraid Posted by ACESOVER8s
Aiii. Met him too and he's a great guy & a tremendous player, but maybe he wasn't completely compatible with forums and their rules haha, and I think we know that all anyone's doing by posting here is wearing out their fingers lol.
Mick is a top bloke, always buys the beers, met him loads of times, gives loads of advice to help my game and would be great in the poker clinic and on the phone in the shows discussing hands.
Would love to see him re-instated, time served for sure!
Comeback Micky!
Actually, he's always seemed a top bloke at the SPTs I've met him at and nice to chat to. So I agree, bring back Mick.
I think Mickey is a great guy as does almost everyone who knows him. I'd love to see him back on the forum and think Sky should give him another chance, but ........
This isn't the way to achieve that. We've seen it happen before and Sky won't be seen to be pressurised by the forum on an issue like this. If Mickey is to get a reprieve then it has to be seen to come from Sky not as a result of a number of forum posts. I understand the motives and reasons of guys like Greg (who I respect greatly) in wanting to see the ban lifted, but I don't believe that this is the way to do it.
I will be sending a PM to Sky Bernie asking for Mickey's reinstatement to be considered. Representations for Mickey, done quietly and privately, from respected members might just have more effect.
I will send a PM to Sky_Bernie also.
btw what did he do
Not saying he shouldn't get his chat back just that forum pressure has never achieved the reinstatement of a player to chat or forum previously. There must have been 10 - 20 threads over the last 12 months to get Mickjens ban lifted, all to no avail i'm afraid
I would like to see Mick get one last chance his Banter has been missed a lot & he is a Top Bloke
Would love to see him re-instated, time served for sure!