In Response to Re: Sunday Night on the box with Rich and Ed- The Official Channel 865 Show Thread : LML and you ADDED ADDED VALUE CU on the tables Posted by DAIBOOT
BRING IT DAVE!! It's not like you knocked me out of SPT Blackpool and then went on to final table and finish massively after playing some of the best poker of your poker career.. Oh wait.
my best halloween moment, was when i woke up with what i thought was a thermometer laying beside my head ? so ask girlfriend are you unwell, and she replayed no i`m pregnant, and now nearly ( yes in jan 31st we`ve been married 13 yrs ) we have two nitemare daughters. OPEN TOO OFFERS FOR MISSES ??
Oh and Orford.. I'd like to enforce a prob bet.. At least I think it's a prop bet.. Ashley (ChirpyChip) Taylor said in front of many MANY railbird witnesses that if his brother, Lewis (Browndog) won the Tourney last night.. he'd shave off everything from the ears down.. Including that 'beardy thing' on his face.. He was then overheard telling Sky Mandy he wanted to keep it..
In Response to Re: Sunday Night on the box with Rich and Ed- The Official Channel 865 Show Thread : LML and you ADDED ADDED VALUE CU on the tables Posted by DAIBOOT
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, well you WERE one of my favourites - how quickly things can change
In Response to Re: Sunday Night on the box with Rich and Ed- The Official Channel 865 Show Thread : Haha.. we'll just see who can stay awake the longest! Posted by LML
I'm already dozing off lol. [Cue free chips on my table ]
Oh and Orford.. I'd like to enforce a prob bet.. At least I think it's a prop bet.. Ashley (ChirpyChip) Taylor said in front of many MANY railbird witnesses that if his brother, Lewis (Browndog) won the Tourney last night.. he'd shave off everything from the ears down.. Including that 'beardy thing' on his face.. He was then overheard telling Sky Mandy he wanted to keep it.. SHAVE THE CHIRPY!!! All in agreement add signature here!! Posted by LML
I can confirm that he did in fact say he was keeping it to Sky-Mandy ;p
It was a good while ago now, however it was around 3 in the morning, my usual bed time. Id gone to bed early that night as i had a job interview the next day, when i randomly woke up, the only thing that wakes me up usually is movement, so this was a suprise but as i woke up i swear down to this day there was a masked dark figure walking out my room. I always leave my bedroom door open so ive got up out of bed and went to investigate. No-one or nothing was in the house except the dog.
my best halloween moment, was when i woke up with what i thought was a thermometer laying beside my head ? so ask girlfriend are you unwell, and she replayed no i`m pregnant, and now nearly ( yes in jan 31st we`ve been married 13 yrs ) we have two nitemare daughters. OPEN TOO OFFERS FOR MISSES ?? Posted by spornybol
In Response to Re: Sunday Night on the box with Rich and Ed- The Official Channel 865 Show Thread : Yay - am defo playing now then. Added value ))) (cue LM knocking me out!!!) Posted by m0u5e
Quietly confident LM actually knows who she'll be sat next to? Eh Orford, eh?
Oh and Orford.. I'd like to enforce a prob bet.. At least I think it's a prop bet.. Ashley (ChirpyChip) Taylor said in front of many MANY railbird witnesses that if his brother, Lewis (Browndog) won the Tourney last night.. he'd shave off everything from the ears down.. Including that 'beardy thing' on his face.. He was then overheard telling Sky Mandy he wanted to keep it.. SHAVE THE CHIRPY!!! All in agreement add signature here!! Posted by LML
In Response to Re: Sunday Night on the box with Rich and Ed- The Official Channel 865 Show Thread : From the ears down? To the ground? :-O Posted by Machka
Apparently so.........perhaps we can all do a bit each?
[Cue free chips on my table
How about shaving Chirpy beard live on air????
It was a good while ago now, however it was around 3 in the morning, my usual bed time. Id gone to bed early that night as i had a job interview the next day, when i randomly woke up, the only thing that wakes me up usually is movement, so this was a suprise but as i woke up i swear down to this day there was a masked dark figure walking out my room. I always leave my bedroom door open so ive got up out of bed and went to investigate. No-one or nothing was in the house except the dog.
Quietly confident LM actually knows who she'll be sat next to? Eh Orford, eh?
Rich, Ed....
Why are you dressed the same? Why?
Are you twins starting a new pop group?
Wil you be called, "Edford" or Jedrich"?