Please wish the best of luck to blankcheck and LEON1 as they advance to the final stage of the OHL and go heads-up in the "play-offs." It's a best-of-three format. These are the matches:
19:15 Pot Limit Omaha
20:30 Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo
22:00 Pot Limit Omaha
I'll be "hosting" these tournaments. Please join me on the rail, as these two players compete for a seat in a Sky Poker Tour live event.
What else am I up to tonight? Well, like GREGHOGG, I've got used to playing the 19:10 £3.30 PLO tournament on a Monday, so I've registered for that. Here's hoping we manage to get a decent number of runners. I see no reason why we can't make it a weekly fixture.
I'll also be playing the first ever Team Sky Poker Classic at 22:00. And, if Tikay fails to wake up after his afternoon nap, I'll transform the 20:30 Take on Tikay tournament into a Have a Go at Hartigan event 
And, hopefully, there'll be the opportunity to play some Omaha cash as well.
See you at the tables this evening...
I am currently trying to get the TSPers to play in this tonight