ok last night i was working as usuall as TD at a local venue. Anyways, a player checked Quad 4's on the river on a 4,10,8,6,4 board (four spades), his opponent had bet on every steet (OOP) and checked behind.
I said that it was against the rules, and fired a 4BB punnishment, my usuall punnishment as most players are beginners and i dislike giving them sitouts for that reason unless its a consistantly repeated offence.
A number of players this was too strong a responce.
Opinions please.
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Also, depending how deep the tourney is, and the stack/blind ratio, a 4bb penalty, can be far worse than sitting out for a round.
The 4BB penalty went into the next pot, which also encourages raising on the next hand anyways because it starts alot bigger.
i actually missed the straight flush opportunity. Im an idiot.
There was a far far better one in a 50/1 cash game i was playing on here the week before last.
I kid you not
Raise and a call pre flop
flop is 777
bet call
trn 7
So to be clear the board is 7777
first player goes all in for £64 and gets called by a guy with £46
First player has AT the caller has............. 44
Jjust to sum the whole hand up the river comes an A for a split pot
The caller needs a lengthy ban if for no other reason than to learn the rules.
lol i dint even realise you can get fined ect. as far as i was aware ( i never played live) that you play ur hands howy you want to. i guess im wrong haha