I was in London at the weekend for my dads 60th, I arrived early and had a couple of hours to kill so I found the Vic in Edgeware Road.
I was so impressed. Loads of cash tables running on a Saturday aftyernoon, ranging from £1/£1 to £25/£50.
The casino`s I`m used to up north dont have cash games running until enough ppl have donked out of the evening mtt, and even then theres 1 or 2 only.
Do any of you go there on a regular basis? Its a long way for me to go, but its only 2hrs on a train to euston which I get free anyway, so I reckon I will be visiting there more often.
Also, its the fist time Ive seen someone get a massage at the poker table..... some massive fat greek/turk guy whose love handles were wobbling round all over the place. Made me lol a lot.
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i was a smoker back then so was in the area and he goes to me 'i wanna get bk in the game give me 50 and my wife will give u a BJ'.
shes like 60 and reminds me of my primary school dinner ladies so i ofc accepted his kind offer. lol j/k ofc :roll:
nooooooooooo lolol, i really am gonna have to go more often, cant moan at a gummy for 50 bone