G'day Mates!!
Last night's TSP classic was a corker!! With four out of five TSP-ers in attendance..
Obviously as the most erm.. 'skilled' of the TSP-ers I outlasted my team mates. It's a girl thing... and Mr James Hartigan outlasting me by 60 seconds!
Let's not mention my exit had.. I was playing ok until then honest 
Tonight's is guaranteed to be just as much crazy fun for the price of £10+1
Here's who's in already:
aussie092000 bolwell072000 CROONER2000 Lisa_Marie2000 scotty772000 tikay1
As it's also my PTP night I will playing lower level cash from 7pm-9pm and on the 25/50p tables from 9-10pm.
Good luck and hope to see you on the tables!
See also THIS if you fancy a free entry to any TSP Classic of your choice.
Good Luck tonight LML. I expect you to do well tonight again. Not as well as me, mind......
Now for the TSP classic!!
my claim to fame.. here goes... lol raises utg to 40 i re raise to 100 with ak, mickjen re raises to 200 lol pushes and i call.. m ickjenn folds
me - ak
lol - aq
ak holds
not sure how to put the hand thingy up sorry
Next time! ^^