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Tonight's FREE ENTRY Fun Comp.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
edited November 2010 in Poker Chat

Last night, I said the winner of the 2-Tourney Last-Longer would get free entry to a TSP Classic of their choice. Unfortunately, the winner was me, (wiiiii) so no prize was awarded, & I'm gonna make it a Bonus night tonight.

Tonight, we are going to try something different.

Personally, I have a busy evening ahead, playing the SIX NOMINATED tourneys. (You do NOT have to play all 5 to qualify, watch this space).

I'll be playing, as "tikay1" (I'm not working tonight), the following.....

7pm - tikay sleepstack, £11

7.30 pm - Multiball 1, £2.20

7.30pm - Multiball 2, £2.20.

8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm, £22

8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout, £5.50

10pm -  TSP Classic, £11. 

How do you take part in our Fun Forum Competition?

See next Post!


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited November 2010

    ANYONE who.... FINAL TABLES in at LEAST two of tonight's six NOMINATED TOURNEYS (see previous Post) will win FREE ENTRY to any TSP Classic. These run Monday to Friday, at 10pm, & cost £11 to enter.


    1) I make it up as I go along, & in the event of an argument, I shoot anyone who argues.
    2) You MUST Post your name on this Thread BEFORE you commence play. Results in any Tourney which starts BEFORE you Post your name will not be eligible. You can join at ANY time, but ONLY Events which start AFTER you Post will count.

    I've done it this way for a bunch of reasons, some of which include.....

    a) I want everyone to be able to take part, especially including those who cannot afford the £11 & £22 Tourneys. This way, with the two Multiball Tourneys, & the TOTTY, more players have a chance.

    b) The Main Event gets huge fields (300 to 400) & the new TSP Classic gets around 200, so a bad result (early exit) in either, sort of kills the evening as far as the fun Tourney is concerned. And the 7pm tikay Sleepie, & 8.30 TOTTY both only get 40 or 50 runners, so it's hard to be fair, as it is easeir to final in these, arguably.

    This way, everyone has a chance, albeit, not exactly the same chance, but it's as fair as I can make it.

    But please, you MUST Post your name on this Thread BEFORE the Scheduled Start Time of any of the six nominated Tourneys if you want to be eigible.

    And remermber, ANYONE who Final Tables in TWO OR MORE of the SIX Nominated Tourneys gets a free TSP Classic entry. So, in effect, you ONLy have to enter two Tourneys to be in with a shot.

    Good Luck all.

    PS - I hope we don't get 8 or 10 winners, I'll get shot by the Suits if we do!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited November 2010

    Example of how to enter.


    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic,
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited November 2010
    luckbox reporting for duty :)
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2010
    I'm in all 6.  I don't yet understand the rules of this comp, but I hope I win like 6 free entries :p

    come on guys we can't let TK keep his goodies to himself AGAIN!



    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010


    Thanks tikay, i'm entering all six too!

    btw well done on your two final tables last night, i guess that was the inspiration for this idea tonight:)

    Can we have a booby prize for the most bubbles (or min cashes) please?:)

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited November 2010
    I wish to enter
    My name is SoLack
    I'm Pisces (the fish)
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited November 2010
    Do multiple fts accumulate?  So if I ft in three (twould be a miracle I know) then I wd I get 3 free entries.  Consider myself shot.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010


    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic,

  • mike1975mike1975 Member Posts: 420
    edited November 2010
    i will be playing a few of these tonight, so count me in :)


    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited November 2010
    Ahh I seeeeeeeeee


    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic,

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited November 2010

    Only playing the two Orford Multi tabling tournies tonight but will add my name if the most unlikely happens :)


    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Tonight's FREE ENTRY Fun Comp.:
    Do multiple fts accumulate?  So if I ft in three (twould be a miracle I know) then I wd I get 3 free entries.  Consider myself shot.
    Posted by SoLack
    Yup, you are to be summarily shot, Solly.

    If anyone makes THREE Final Tables from the nominated six?

    Tell you what - if they do, they can have a free TSP Classic Entry, AND a Primo Entry for Sunday.

    PS - Please stop asking questions, I need to get out of the office & back to the Hotel to get set up for a busy night.

    Early indications from the bookies go 5/1 joint favs Phil-Luckbox, Dohhh & Scotty to win, 10/1 Hoggers, 50/1 Solly, & 1,000/1 Orford.
  • DAIBOOTDAIBOOT Member Posts: 522
    edited November 2010

    I have entered them all!
    I will be out first in them all!
    If I final table you will find some rule that means i don't get a prize!
    Why have i entered them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7pm - tikay sleepstack

    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    8pm - Double Stack main Event, 8pm

    8.30pm - TOTTY Freezeout

    10pm -  TSP Classic,

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited November 2010

    We have our first Disqualification - DAIBOOT.

    Grounds? Waste of space, has no chance, & suggesting I will fix it. Which I might. 

    Next case.
  • goodylad21goodylad21 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2010
    I will have ago ! Cant multi table more than 4 MTTs tho cause me head hurts, not that i will be in 4 at the same time but you never know lol !

    Edit - Just had a look at the field for the multiball, it must be the worst valoooo £2 comp ever on sky its full of superstars :)
  • chefboy79chefboy79 Member Posts: 668
    edited November 2010
    im in for some just noy sure which ones yet lol come on after last nights great success then todays hard leason in how to lose the lot need cheering up lol
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2010
    Yes I'm happy to be given free entry on my personal account to a TSP, Tikay.

    I only need 3 tourneys as well to final table in two of them- none of this 6 chances malarkey- that's for beginners ;)


    7.30 pm - Multiball 1

    7.30pm - Multiball 2

    10pm -  TSP Classic
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited November 2010

     7.30 multiball 1 and 2
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Tonight's FREE ENTRY Fun Comp.:
    I will have ago ! Cant multi table more than 4 MTTs tho cause me head hurts, not that i will be in 4 at the same time but you never know lol ! Edit - Just had a look at the field for the multiball, it must be the worst valoooo £2 comp ever on sky its full of superstars :)
    Posted by goodylad21

    Lol Goodylad- it's mental isn't it? It's like playing Hansen, Ivey, Negreanu and Dwan on the free-play tables!

  • Scottomus0Scottomus0 Member Posts: 322
    edited November 2010
    im in the mulitball tourneys!

    put me down, scottomus0 :)

    i might enter the totty too
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