Hello everybody
Last night Tikay showed us why he is infact the manager of team sky poker with his impressive 5th place finish in the TSP Classic, none of the other team members could compete with that so he will be going on about it untill we finish higher and shut him up!
I'll be the host for tonight's torny but I'm hoping some of the other members of the team will be able to join me aswell. We already have Tikay1 registered and Sky Mandy so lets take them both out early doors :-D. Its a 10pm start and an £11 entry fee with a £2k guarantee hope to see you all there!
Tonight I will also be dabbling in some cash I will play some 5p-10p and 25p-50p 6-max from around 8-10pm if you fancy a game and some easy money come join me @ the tables from 8pm.
I will post on here which exact tables I am on at the times!
GL and hope to see you all later!
Sorry James, I have bad news for you. I'm playing tonight's TSP Classic.
You, & all the other TSP-ers, had better prepare to get owned. Again.
10pm, don't be late, I'll be playing my super-fast game tonight.
PS - If I raise, fold Q-Q or less, as you are behind.
I limped in the SB three times with K-K last night, & had to let go to a bad Board every time! But I can't see me ever folding K-K to you. Or even 2-2.
He's gonna be after me now
Note to self: Do not talk about taking Tikay down where he can read it. Pretend I'm an ally, and then bash him up when he's least expecting it.
Further note to self: Do not write 'notes to self' where Tikay can read it.