In Response to Re: Priced out : Dylan has got it spot on there. You wouldn't go to a car show room and see a Porshue 911 and say why can't I have 1 of those? I want to have 1 there fore you need to make it in my price range Posted by FlashFlush
Your comparison here is WAY off the mark,as we USED to be able to play the ME didnt we?
In Response to Re: Priced out : Dylan has got it spot on there. You wouldn't go to a car show room and see a Porshue 911 and say why can't I have 1 of those? I want to have 1 there fore you need to make it in my price range Posted by FlashFlush
and if it wasn't for all those factory workers the rich wouldnt have one to buy ether
I agree with most who have replied on here, we have a choice, we can satelite, we can play other tourny's against good players etc etc. My point is, there was a guarantee to these 8pm mtt's and the buy in was reasonable, there wasn't (as i remember) a shortfall in players compared to the guarantee (im sure there is a word for this) so it gave average players a chance to win a decent prize, even cashing at the end of 4-5 hrs was worth shouting about. Will the 8pm's become only for the big bankroll players with fewer players? This was and still is, atm, a community site, will this change how the average players percieve SKY POKER? I hope not...
At the end of the day i dont think many of the better bankrolled players give a hoot about the rest of us.1 player on this thread has already stated we should maybe play the 8.15 deepy,why? surely we should be able to play a variety of tournies shouldnt we? The ME was the highlight for most of us and now even the sats are alot dearer,xxx Posted by debdobs_67
I take that as me then.
Why? Because you say you can't afford the 8pm tourney.
If you can't satellite into the 8pm then there is an awesome deep stack on at 8.15pm along with other cheaper BI tournaments. Sky cater for all levels and they have introduced this new structure which will attract even more players to the site once the downloadable gets going.
You mention the better bankrolled players, if they were starting out now, they would not be playing the 8pm and instead would be grinding out a BR as is very sensible and these poker player would then aspire to play the 8pm. If the satellites are also out of reach then play some DYM's etc as Scotty mentioned earlier in the thread to pay for them. Sky have given access to everyone to enter these 8pm tournaments with Q/F sats and Semi sats, all it means is a little bit of extra work, but if that is what it takes then so be it - Sky are not restricting anyone from playing this event.
The results wont tell the whole story, if u had a 50 quid buy in, and got 1k runners, reduced it to a 50p buy in, u wud still get 1k runners, just a different set of people. Saying the runners r still up swerves the point that these people are making. Im not a tourny player, I like to take my shot at winning a decent amount, but not willing to invest to do it. I didn't even enter the primo at £33, as I didn't think it was worth it. Even tho it's a miniscule amount of my bankroll................ So Im kinda inbetween the two points of view here...... What Im confused about is why sky limits itself to a main event per night, when clearly the demand is there for more. The TSP as hit 2k+ the first 2 nights....and it finishes at 1AM!!!!! Try the same buy in, same structure at 8-30pm, alongside the 8pm. Give it a 4k gtd, and see how it goes. The people who run sky wud be vvvvvv pleasantly surprised. If it turns out to have 2k overlay (it wont) for a couple of nights, so be it, it failed, cancel next weeks freerolls. Tizn't rocket science folks. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
lol love it
edit - obv dnt cancel league stars freeroll though ;-)
In Response to Re: Priced out : i think thats a bit of an unfair comparison....the ME tournie was £11 bar 2 nights and its increased by 100pc so I can see why people are annoyed. i also think that there is a gap for a decent GTD £11 tournie at the same time slot so Sky need to look into this so people are happy. i dont think the BI is the problem here, i think that a lot of people are annoyed now that they can't invest £11 to look at a return of £1kplus....there are a few other tournies that are decent but they don't offer that kind of return. Sky are very very good at listening to its customers when it comes to the tournie schedule and I'm sure that they will find a balance soon. Posted by scotty77
Thats what i was trying to say scotty, thanks for explaining it better lol
In Response to Re: Priced out : I take that as me then. Why? Because you say you can't afford the 8pm tourney. If you can't satellite into the 8pm then there is an awesome deep stack on at 8.15pm along with other cheaper BI tournaments. Sky cater for all levels and they have introduced this new structure which will attract even more players to the site once the downloadable gets going. You mention the better bankrolled players, if they were starting out now, they would not be playing the 8pm and instead would be grinding out a BR as is very sensible and these poker player would thenaspire to play the 8pm. If the satellites are also out of reach then play some DYM's etc as Scotty mentioned earlier in the thread to pay for them. Sky have given access to everyone to enter these 8pm tournaments with Q/F sats and Semi sats, all it means is a little bit of extra work, but if that is what it takes then so be it - Sky are not restricting anyone from playing this event. Posted by dylan12
thats what im gonna do, im happy at what sky have done to the m.e,so me BR does,nt cover the m.e so im gonna have work harder and start improving my game to get a bigger BR so i can play the m.e untill that time ill play within my limits,theres still plenty smaller BI tourneys to play and if i dont like whats there ill play cash as long as im playing cards im ftw...
I have enjoyed playing the 8pm games for a while now.
But unforunately will not be paying the hugely inflated new entry fees.
How can sky justify an increase of £22 to play in the Primo? IMO it's just a greed thing on the part of SKY. They have seen how popular these tourneys have become, and now they want to see how much money they can squeeze out of their loyal poker players.
Come on Sky how about something for the loyal players who simply cannot afford the new prices?
I wish people would think about it for a second. How is sky putting the entry fee up really squeezing more money out of their players? Sure, it makes them more- it also makes the players more. Instead of having to scrape through 500 runners for a 15k prizepool, getting through a 300 runner field now achieves the same thing. That higher buyin is going straight into the prizepool.
I think the one thing sky have been missing, badly, is larger guarantees- there's loads of small guarantees everywhere, but very few high ends. Now you have the ME for the big players, the 9:30 BH and 10:00 TSP for a smaller investment. Add in a good 2k gtd 11 buyin at 7/7:30 and you're laughing- I bet that would get a large field.
On that topic, anyone thought of raising the gtd on the 9:30? I mean, it always tops 200 runners, minimum, and quite often hits as high as 250- raising that to 1500 or even 2k guaranteed would be literally zero risk and 100% reward.
I doubt I'll be playing MEs that I can't satellite into (apart from one or two during the week, perhaps) but I love the changes- now when I do play the ME, the higher buyin dictates a smaller field, and hopefully a slightly higher level of play. It's a great move in the right direction, and I look forward to being rolled enough to comfortably enter them as I please.
In Response to Re: Priced out : I take that as me then. Why? Because you say you can't afford the 8pm tourney. If you can't satellite into the 8pm then there is an awesome deep stack on at 8.15pm along with other cheaper BI tournaments. Sky cater for all levels and they have introduced this new structure which will attract even more players to the site once the downloadable gets going. You mention the better bankrolled players, if they were starting out now, they would not be playing the 8pm and instead would be grinding out a BR as is very sensible and these poker player would then aspire to play the 8pm. If the satellites are also out of reach then play some DYM's etc as Scotty mentioned earlier in the thread to pay for them. Sky have given access to everyone to enter these 8pm tournaments with Q/F sats and Semi sats, all it means is a little bit of extra work, but if that is what it takes then so be it - Sky are not restricting anyone from playing this event. Posted by dylan12
So i USED to be able to buy-in direct but now its a BIT ott for my bankroll.So i need to WORK HARDER to be able to achieve a better bankroll? You really are taking the pee yeah? Then again i notice you stick up for sky on almost every thread so tbh i expected nothing else from you,gl xxx
I can't afford these entries either but I reglularly go in the BH satelites for £1.60 and sometimes get thro' ( lol ) but unless I am mistook , these are all daytime tourneys - no good for people who work daytimes o maybe the answer is more of these in the evening. Another well known site I use has a ticket system where the sat gives you a ticket to choose when you play the next level ather than ualifying for a partiular semi/tourney. This system with wider spread sats might be the answer.
In Response to Re: Priced out : So i USED to be able to buy-in direct but now its a BIT ott for my bankroll.So i need to WORK HARDER to be able to achieve a better bankroll? You really are taking the pee yeah? Then again i notice you stick up for sky on almost every thread so tbh i expected nothing else from you,gl xxx Posted by debdobs_67
As you say you USED to be able to yeah, so you can't now, np, why not try and satellite in or is that above you? Your not being excluded from playing are you so either get grinding to play or satellite in, not rocket science really tbh.
As for defending Sky, I will defend them if they have done something constructive and will give constructive criticism whenever I do not agree with them - note constructive criticism not just pure criticism.
In Response to Re: As for defending Sky, I will defend them if they have done something constructive and will give constructive criticism whenever I do not agree with them - note constructive criticism not just pure criticism. Posted by dylan12
At the moment it seems Sky are doing something constuctive for a minority of its users. I say at the moment because hopefully they will also implement something for the not so well bankrolled in the very near future. I certainly hope so anyway.
hmmmm i agree and disagree with the changes. Lets be honest, the changes were never going to please anyone, that was inevitable and personally the £55 primo is on the limit of my bankroll yet im not unhappy with the changes. But i think everyone is being hasty in complaining, sky are good at listening to its customers, put your point across and im sure they will listen, obviously something needs to be changed again, i can see where you are coming from debdobs:)
But Doing this will only continue to improve the quality of players on sky. Yes, players with a smaller BR are no able to buy in, but every single sattellie is accessible so why not try those? This is a challenge, personally i am pleased theyre harder to get in, i wanr to improve my game and this is one way it will improve. Why is a challenge such a bad thing, i dont wanna get into these tournies easily i want too easily i want to earn my place!
I can see why people are complaining but there is plenty out there for the smaller BR playyers! Play the 2.20@ 2.20 deepie, the field is quality and your game will improve. Look into the TOTTY's and now the orford multiballs. There are accessible tournies every 5 mins for these players, but i guess thee dont compare to the biggies at 8! But if the guarantee was raised on the tsp, this would attract more players, and create a large prize pool and maybe create the thrill that the former tournies at 8 did!
There is no real right or wrong answer to this question, but i think it was inevitable that sky would raise the prices, theyre just moving with the times...
In Response to Re: Priced out : At the moment it seems Sky are doing something constuctive for a minority of its users. I say at the moment because hopefully they will also implement something for the not so well bankrolled in the very near future. I certainly hope so anyway. Posted by steveskin1
Hopefully there will be more mtt's in early evening but as for implementing mtt's for those without much of a BR - I can only point to the TOT that are run most nights with a solid following. Richard Orford has a new competition that suits all pockets, James Hartigan ran a similar competition therefore Sky are trying to cater for the needs of many imo. I do hope along with you that more will be implemented so that there is even more choice for all BR's but I can't see where sky are only providing for a minority of the players.
In Response to Re: Priced out : Hopefully there will be more mtt's in early evening but as for implementing mtt's for those without much of a BR - I can only point to the TOT that are run most nights with a solid following. Richard Orford has a new competition that suits all pockets, James Hartigan ran a similar competition therefore Sky are trying to cater for the needs of many imo. I do hope along with you that more will be implemented so that there is even more choice for all BR's but I can't see where sky are only providing for a minority of the players. Posted by dylan12
I started this thread to see how many others agreed that the increase has become above their bankroll.
Dylan, i know there are other opportunities for the "rest of us" my point was i could buy in for £11, £22 and sometimes for £33 but tried, time given, to satelite. The prize money was great and with the larger field even the likes of myself could cash every now and then and even final table for some bigger return BUT,,,, now to satelite in for £11 is beyond me. That is my point!! The majority of players on here will no longer be able to afford a straight buy in and because of the increase they cannot afford the buy in of the sat's. That to me is catering for the MINORITY (for the big mtt's)
If however, as mentioned, there was a decent guarantee at a reasonable buy in and attracted the same sort of fields as the "biggies at 8pm" i wouldnt be so upset at missing out.
Maybe an 8.30 £11 buy in £3k guarantee would be possible? I would hope the suits are listening to those who are taking the time to put their point accross and although accepting your view also, not think they are doing the right thing.
I suppose the question some should be asking is, is this a time schedule thing? Have they done this to reduce the field and so can finish the tv schedule at 12 instead of seeing the final table another evening? Anyway, good luck to all those who can afford to sat' in and buy in, but i doubt if i will be seeing you at the tables again.
In Response to Re: Priced out : So i USED to be able to buy-in direct but now its a BIT ott for my bankroll.So i need to WORK HARDER to be able to achieve a better bankroll? You really are taking the pee yeah? Then again i notice you stick up for sky on almost every thread so tbh i expected nothing else from you,gl xxx Posted by debdobs_67
Whats so bad about being told to put some work into your game? I do that all the time. How else do you expect your bankroll to rise without endlessly depositing?
In Response to Re: Priced out : Dylan has got it spot on there. You wouldn't go to a car show room and see a Porshue 911 and say why can't I have 1 of those? I want to have 1 there fore you need to make it in my price range Posted by FlashFlush
yesterday i could of got the porsche, today i cant. I think that is the problem some people have got!
My point is, there was a guarantee to these 8pm mtt's and the buy in was reasonable, there wasn't (as i remember) a shortfall in players compared to the guarantee (im sure there is a word for this) so it gave average players a chance to win a decent prize, even cashing at the end of 4-5 hrs was worth shouting about.
Will the 8pm's become only for the big bankroll players with fewer players?
This was and still is, atm, a community site, will this change how the average players percieve SKY POKER?
I hope not...
as long as im playing cards im ftw...
I have enjoyed playing the 8pm games for a while now.
But unforunately will not be paying the hugely inflated new entry fees.
How can sky justify an increase of £22 to play in the Primo? IMO it's just a greed thing on the part of SKY. They have seen how popular these tourneys have become, and now they want to see how much money they can squeeze out of their loyal poker players.
Come on Sky how about something for the loyal players who simply cannot afford the new prices?
I think the one thing sky have been missing, badly, is larger guarantees- there's loads of small guarantees everywhere, but very few high ends. Now you have the ME for the big players, the 9:30 BH and 10:00 TSP for a smaller investment. Add in a good 2k gtd 11 buyin at 7/7:30 and you're laughing- I bet that would get a large field.
On that topic, anyone thought of raising the gtd on the 9:30? I mean, it always tops 200 runners, minimum, and quite often hits as high as 250- raising that to 1500 or even 2k guaranteed would be literally zero risk and 100% reward.
I doubt I'll be playing MEs that I can't satellite into (apart from one or two during the week, perhaps) but I love the changes- now when I do play the ME, the higher buyin dictates a smaller field, and hopefully a slightly higher level of play. It's a great move in the right direction, and I look forward to being rolled enough to comfortably enter them as I please.
I say at the moment because hopefully they will also implement something for the not so well bankrolled in the very near future.
I certainly hope so anyway.
But Doing this will only continue to improve the quality of players on sky. Yes, players with a smaller BR are no able to buy in, but every single sattellie is accessible so why not try those? This is a challenge, personally i am pleased theyre harder to get in, i wanr to improve my game and this is one way it will improve. Why is a challenge such a bad thing, i dont wanna get into these tournies easily i want too easily i want to earn my place!
I can see why people are complaining but there is plenty out there for the smaller BR playyers! Play the 2.20@ 2.20 deepie, the field is quality and your game will improve. Look into the TOTTY's and now the orford multiballs. There are accessible tournies every 5 mins for these players, but i guess thee dont compare to the biggies at 8! But if the guarantee was raised on the tsp, this would attract more players, and create a large prize pool and maybe create the thrill that the former tournies at 8 did!
There is no real right or wrong answer to this question, but i think it was inevitable that sky would raise the prices, theyre just moving with the times...
Dylan, i know there are other opportunities for the "rest of us" my point was i could buy in for £11, £22 and sometimes for £33 but tried, time given, to satelite. The prize money was great and with the larger field even the likes of myself could cash every now and then and even final table for some bigger return BUT,,,, now to satelite in for £11 is beyond me. That is my point!! The majority of players on here will no longer be able to afford a straight buy in and because of the increase they cannot afford the buy in of the sat's. That to me is catering for the MINORITY (for the big mtt's)
If however, as mentioned, there was a decent guarantee at a reasonable buy in and attracted the same sort of fields as the "biggies at 8pm" i wouldnt be so upset at missing out.
Maybe an 8.30 £11 buy in £3k guarantee would be possible? I would hope the suits are listening to those who are taking the time to put their point accross and although accepting your view also, not think they are doing the right thing.
I suppose the question some should be asking is, is this a time schedule thing? Have they done this to reduce the field and so can finish the tv schedule at 12 instead of seeing the final table another evening?
Anyway, good luck to all those who can afford to sat' in and buy in, but i doubt if i will be seeing you at the tables again.