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RIP Super 6......

MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
edited November 2010 in Poker Chat

Yes folks, that nice Saturday afternoon tournament a few of us liked to play has been transformed into a dreaded rebuy!!! Thanks for that Sky.
So in the 1st hour a maniac who will call with any two can still do their normal play, but if they miss, rebuy and do the same again! probability says they will hit one out of two times. Is this a way to attract new players to deposit and play for real?

Are some of the upcoming passwords going to be 'suckers', 'bingo', 'tax the poor' ??

And before all the normal brigade come on here to berate me moaning about a free roll, the micro players will understand my point whereas the bigger BR players will just not get it as they don't need to.

Very disappointed in this but I know nothing will change as Sky need to come up with more and more ways to finance the 'improved'  structure and TSP.


  • steveskin1steveskin1 Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2010
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited November 2010
    I know you're having a good moan and to be fair i agree



    Are some of the upcoming passwords going to be 'suckers', 'bingo', 'tax the poor' ??

    is hilarious

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2010

    "berate" :)

    Spend the money on increasing mtt guarantees sky, you know it makes sense !!!

    Tha shunt get owt, for nowt !!!
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2010
    I am one of those who usually come on here to defend the site, but in this case I do believe that Sky have got it wrong, mind you what won't stop me playing today OR tomorrows Fantasy football game lol.  Hopefully this will be a one off and next weeks games will be back to normal.

  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    "berate" :) Spend the money on increasing mtt guarantees sky, you know it makes sense !!! Tha shunt get nowt, for nowt !!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    About what i expected.
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    I am one of those who usually come on here to defend the site, but in this case I do believe that Sky have got it wrong, mind you what won't stop me playing today OR tomorrows Fantasy football game lol.  Hopefully this will be a one off and next weeks games will be back to normal. Steve
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    See my thread it's not.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    Yes folks its thats time again on a saturday afternoon when Cruise has another moan.  We can all look forward to him repeating the moan in all other unrelated threads but in a slightly more sarcastic way... Tom - We all know you don't like rebuys, you are like a broken record ffs. Solution - don't fffing play em.
    Posted by Patching99
    Thank you for your reply, not. I am making a point for the smaller BR players as I am old school and feel that everyone should have a voice on here and express their views freely on this forum.

    If you Sir, do not agree with any of this and have a issue with my posts/threads....

  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6...... : See my thread it's not.
    Posted by belsibub
    Yep just seen that
  • HOT_ROKHOT_ROK Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6...... : Thank you for your reply, not. I am making a point for the smaller BR players as I am old school and feel that everyone should have a voice on here and express their views freely on this forum. If you Sir, do not agree with any of this and have a issue with my posts/threads.... DONT EFFFFFFING READ THEM!!!!
    Posted by MAXALLY
  • Patching99Patching99 Member Posts: 446
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6...... : Thank you for your reply, not. I am making a point for the smaller BR players as I am old school and feel that everyone should have a voice on here and express their views freely on this forum. If you Sir, do not agree with any of this and have a issue with my posts/threads.... DONT EFFFFFFING READ THEM!!!!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Theres that witty sarcasm again.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010

    Sky Poker is a business, they want to encourage people to spend money so the rebuy option in freerolls is completely understandable imo. There are shops that give away free samples, but they want you to buy what you are sampling. Its the same principle. Sky Poker are not a charity, they want people to pay for their service.

    However, i do understand that having a rebuy option in all freerolls takes the enjoyment out of the game for some loyal low stake players and community members and obviously this is regrettable... the solution? I have no idea, but possibly (non rebuy) private freerolls if you earn a certain number of poker points in a month or something?
    applying to those who earn under 1k points a month i would suggest...  also the old community freerolls were good where you got in if you make a certain number of posts...

  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited November 2010
    In Response to RIP Super 6......:
    Yes folks, that nice Saturday afternoon tournament a few of us liked to play has been transformed into a dreaded rebuy!!! Thanks for that Sky. So in the 1st hour a maniac who will call with any two can still do their normal play, but if they miss, rebuy and do the same again! probability says they will hit one out of two times. Is this a way to attract new players to deposit and play for real? Are some of the upcoming passwords going to be 'suckers', 'bingo', 'tax the poor' ?? And before all the normal brigade come on here to berate me moaning about a free roll, the micro players will understand my point whereas the bigger BR players will just not get it as they don't need to. Very disappointed in this but I know nothing will change as Sky need to come up with more and more ways to finance the 'improved'  structure and TSP.
    Posted by MAXALLY
     +1 alan you have hit the nail on the head m8
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited November 2010
    Can't really moan tbh, sky is still giving us the chance to win money from nothing.
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2010
  • BANDICOOTBANDICOOT Member Posts: 675
    edited November 2010
    Maxally and Pillowman spot on. Good posts
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    Posted by PILLOWMAN
    Correct me if i am wrong Pillowman but you, Alan and Bandicoot are not new players!

    You may not like rebuys which is fair enough, i dont like Morissons so i shop at Sainsburys. I have made other suggestions in my earlier post about other non rebuy freerolls that can be introduced for loyal players and community members, and I have also explained why i believe that sky have made a business decision to introduce rebuys in freerolls! They need to encourage new players to spend their money HERE at sky poker so having affordable rebuy options makes perfect business sense. It gets players used to spending money!!!

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6...... : Correct me if i am wrong Pillowman but you, Alan and Bandicoot are not new players! You may not like rebuys which is fair enough, i dont like Morissons so i shop at Sainsburys. I have made other suggestions in my earlier post about other freerolls that can be introduced for loyal players and community members, and I have also explained why i believe that sky have made a business decision to introduce rebuys in freerolls! They need to encourage new players to spend their money HERE at sky poker so having affordable rebuy options makes perfect business sense. It gets players used to spending money!!!
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    You make some good valid points Greg so thank you for your sensible contribution to this thread.

    However, why not just scrap the free rolls then if they are going to all turn into shove fests?. If it was a min buy in of say 50p or a £1 for a freeze out tournament then this would overcome the, IMO, the dressing up of tournament  'freerolls' when only players with a BR (no matter what size it be) will realistically be able to participate in them and go for the win.

    I do agree with your point that the loyal smaller BR players be rewarded somehow by Sky Poker though.
    Freerolls maybe for those who reach 150points-350 points per month.


  • Dud_ButiniDud_Butini Member Posts: 347
    edited November 2010
    In Response to RIP Super 6......:
    Yes folks, that nice Saturday afternoon tournament a few of us liked to play has been transformed into a dreaded rebuy!!! Thanks for that Sky. So in the 1st hour a maniac who will call with any two can still do their normal play, but if they miss, rebuy and do the same again! probability says they will hit one out of two times. Is this a way to attract new players to deposit and play for real? Are some of the upcoming passwords going to be 'suckers', 'bingo', 'tax the poor' ?? And before all the normal brigade come on here to berate me moaning about a free roll, the micro players will understand my point whereas the bigger BR players will just not get it as they don't need to. Very disappointed in this but I know nothing will change as Sky need to come up with more and more ways to finance the 'improved'  structure and TSP.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Always fully in agreement with you on this Alan.

    At least I won't have that last minute scramble to find the super 6 password anymore - not too fussed if I miss it from now on.

    Shame, it was one of the best freerolls on the internet.

    Now there are so many better "non-sky" options available to help boost the BR 

    I'm still very much in Sky's corner but it pails into oblivion against other sites for catering for the micro player. Most of my play is now on another site which is completelty freezeout in its freerolls and only last month I was able to turn zero into $70 - it was a grind but that's the life of a micro player trying to build a BR. I'm on there so much I even forget ToT on a Monday night and completely missed Rich's Multiball tourney start because I was on a couple of final table elsewhere.

    Take your eye off the site for the freerolls and you tend to lose the habit of visiting at all.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6......:
    In Response to Re: RIP Super 6...... : You make some good valid points Greg so thank you for your sensible contribution to this thread. However, why not just scrap the free rolls then if they are going to all turn into shove fests?. If it was a min buy in of say 50p or a £1 for a freeze out tournament then this would overcome the, IMO, the dressing up of tournament  'freerolls' when only players with a BR (no matter what size it be) will realistically be able to participate in them and go for the win. I do agree with your point that the loyal smaller BR players be rewarded somehow by Sky Poker though. Freerolls maybe for those who reach 150points-350 points per month. Regards, Alan
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Thanks Alan

    I completely understand what you and others are saying about the principle of rebuying in freerolls. But, it is still free to enter and there is no obligation to rebuy. I also agree that there is a lesser chance of winning if you don't take the option of the add-on (which is usually alot more than the starting stack to encourage add-ons) So the playability and enjoyment point is accepted and understood.
    However, if you don't have a BR at all, bearing in mind as a new player these days you do get a free fiver and all sorts of new player bonus options, Then it is a bonus to be able to play in anything at no cost imo and to be unhappy about the playability is just something you will just have to stomach imo.

    There is still free money if you can survive the donkey shove stage and get to the break with enough chips to not worry about having to add-on. This is possible by the way, i have done it several times in freerolls on here myself.

    This having all been said there are some things i would like to be introduced/reintroduced for the benefit of existing regular players who have low bankrolls.

    1. non rebuy freerolls for regular micro stake players who earn at least 100 points per month for example. if you fit into 100-200 you get an automatic £50 private freeroll at month end, 200-400, £100 freeroll and so on, up to 1000 points.

    2. non rebuy community freerolls every month to encourage more people to post on the forum. (this worked great before!)

  • BANDICOOTBANDICOOT Member Posts: 675
    edited November 2010
    Greg. Getting players'used to spending money here' Is one thing but expecting them to do It on a 'freeroll' seemes to me to be a contradiction in terms. They will In fact move on to a site that offers just that- a freeroll - nothing to Invest, maybe something to gain. After all, the players have had to Invest money Initially to earn the points In order to enter the freeroll so they are not entirely 'freeloading'. There Is no doubt that rebuys when used In the way that they were Intended  i.e to continue In a tourney after suffering a particularly nasty badbeat are a welcome extra, but unfortunately, these are nothing more than a get out of jail free card In freerolls and many will call over and over with any 2, spoiling the game for players that were hoping to test their basic skills before Investing further on the site. The super 6 has been a freeroll since It began. Not necessary imo to Introduce rebuys very much for my aforementioned reasons. May I just add Greg, that I have for a long time respected and admired you as a player, and this in no way a dig at you. I just like to see fair do's for all.
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