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...prompted by the thread by slaverchop yesterday - I'd thought I better introduce myself aswell.
It may appear that im being ignorant at the tables - but for the last 7, and the next 23 days I will be multitabling the lower stakes cash games trying to work through the 1k welcome bonus. I have the tables on miniview so if you've been trying to get my attention, or berate my fishy play, I'm afraid I havent seen it...
Anyway I quite like it here, so may stick around a while.
Obviously cash games are my forte - but I'm not prone to playing some of the bigger tournaments if I satty in.
..maybe you should add a 'introduce yourself' section to the forum ?
P.S. Just because i multitable, it doesnt mean I wont call you down with ace high if I think it's good - as some of you can attest to already...
P.P.S. Is LML single ?
Hi Mr Busto.
I I had the pleasure of commentating on you on Sunday, in the Primo, I do believe. Welcome aboard.
LML single? You wish! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but LML & I are what is known as "an item", she is in fact my fiancee, & the future Mrs Kendall.
as for LML dont listen to the old dog LML infact is mine ;o)
There is an 'introduce yourself' thread that used to be very popular, but it's fallen into disuse recently. I've just bumped it back to page 1. Maybe it should have a sticky.
Are you Mike Parry in disguise?????
Welcome to Sky Poker and the forum
Hi Busto, been nice playing you at the tables, goodluck and welcome. I don't really do chat either so this is the best place to say hello.
welcome to the forum bustodegan have a great time at the tables m8y
* number of PMs to your inbox increases considerably.
** he has also shown interest in becoming a 'goth'. Does that change things?
Welcome Bustod- you'll enjoy it here.