This javascript, openbet or whatever you use is just way too slow, and it's not a problem with my computer, I have very high spec along with the best internet available in the country.
I'm fed up with the lag, and the chat box not working properly (not registering keystrokes etc). Forgive the tone of these comments, but i'm tired and finding a lot of things irritating whilst receiving the 'Sky poker experience'.
I know this had been asked in the forums, and it's always been the same answers "We'll forward the suggestions on to our techies" and "We know, it's been suggested and being considered" or "we're working towards a downloadable client now".
If you're a site capable of hosting tournaments in excess of £15,000 in prize pools, my honest belief is that you owe it to us, your clientele/donors to give us a smart, responsive downloadable client. If you guys ever hope to grow as a business and start to compete with Fulltilt, Stars, 888, Ultimatebet, etc and take a portion of their business, and keep it, then this really is a must have.
I look forward to a constructive and productive response from one of you on the Sky Poker team.
Like I said I'm tired and have tried to be cordial. Thank you.
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The New Client is in the end stages of Beta-Testing, with around 100 players currently using it.
As part of the testing regime, various probs are identified & located, & then the "fixes" are implemented.
The latest version was released yesterday (hence the overnight outage on Wednesday) to the 100-strong Beta-Testing Panel, many of whom are familiar names on this Forum.
Once the Company is satisfied that the latest version is satisfactory, it will be released to more customers. It will be soft-launched, & released to 1,000 or so extra players per day, over a period of a few weeks.
IF the latest version, currently in Beta-Test, is not ready for Release, the Soft-Launch will be delayed.
I hope that was the "constructive & productive" response you were looking for, Tripticon.
Edit: beaten to the punch by the man himself:)
the dc is so close now you can smell it lol ,
one suggestion for suits />>>
this will free up a lot of customers to multi table now ,
especially the 2p/4p cash tables .
i think it is best you put a lot more of these tables in lobby .
That is exactly what I was hoping to hear (apart from that it was already available and that I had somehow missed it).