Over the years ,Bryan and i have received many weird and wonderful emails from the poker community.The latest gave Bryan and i so much concern,that we thought we had to share this subject with you. This cocky fella,who goes by the name of Nick Turpin Imallin,openly bragged to Bryan and i, that he is making a very good living thank you,by trawling through various online poker sites,and blatantly,while playing twenty tables at once,raising the bb x 20 and stealing the pots.On a good day,after playing for an average of five hours,Nick Turpin Imallin openly boasts an average daily profit of £500.00.Nick Turpin Imallin,went on to say ,that he started out on this venture in the early hours of a foggy September night in 2005,shortly after returning from a day mystery tour,which he did not elaborate on. That night he claims a very strange thing happened.From the pack of cards that were sat on the sideboard,where he had earlier been playing solitaire,the two jokers fell to the floor as if in slowmotion. The cards then, he claims,stood on their edge,face to face,and started to mutter to each other in a language Nick Turpin Imallin clearly described as ,"not of this world". Months of painstaking research led Nick Turpin Imallin to the conclusion,that it was indeed the language of the Rake tribe,a greedy horrible nasty little tribe that were renowned thieves and robbers,who took from all who entered their territory,or sites. Nick Turpin Imallin decided from that fateful day ,that he need feel no guilt ,nor remorse from his ill gotten gain,and from what we gather is still prying his trade wherever ,and whenever the need takes him. Bryan and i thought long and hard about this one,but we came to the conclusion that "too many cooks spoil the troff"" a bird in the hand is worth two in the thrush","a stitch in time saves twine","it aint over till the fat lady mings",and finally,"one swallow doesn't make a ****",have a lovely evening,from Bryan and i,MUCHLOVE. Posted by bryan1960
Standard larceny play by Mick Furpin, Bryan? Surely?
I thought a man of your genius was going to hit us with some poker parables with which we average players could arm ourselves against the likes of Lick Slurpin?
I'm a bit disapointed by this post tbh. Not up to your usual standards Bryan. I was pretty much considering you my mentor but I'm really not sure what I can learn from this. But I guess even Plato got sick of Socrates at times. Maybe I'm just expecting too much at times.
In Response to POKER PIRATES,by Bryan Oryan : Standard larceny play by Mick Furpin, Bryan? Surely? I thought a man of your genius was going to hit us with some poker parables with which we average players could arm ourselves against the likes of Lick Slurpin? I'm a bit disapointed by this post tbh. Not up to your usual standards Bryan. I was pretty much considering you my mentor but I'm really not sure what I can learn from this. But I guess even Plato got sick of Socrates at times. Maybe I'm just expecting too much at times. Yours severely disillusioned - bandini. Posted by bandini
ahhha my friend,twas not meant to be a Bryan Oryan parable,just 5 minutes pottering about on the old flaptop,whilst waiting for Bryan to get out of the bath. Im sure **** be posting stuff in the near future more to your requirements. Take care,Bryan
I thought a man of your genius was going to hit us with some poker parables with which we average players could arm ourselves against the likes of Lick Slurpin?
I'm a bit disapointed by this post tbh. Not up to your usual standards Bryan. I was pretty much considering you my mentor but I'm really not sure what I can learn from this. But I guess even Plato got sick of Socrates at times. Maybe I'm just expecting too much at times.
Yours severely disillusioned - bandini.
Im sure **** be posting stuff in the near future more to your requirements.
Take care,Bryan