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Where is....?



  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited November 2010
    I blame Orford ;)
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2010
    thanks for the very long and interesting post TK.
  • shelskishelski Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    think sarah is spinning discs on absolute radio,pretty sure i heard her name there
    Posted by stokefc
    She's still a hottie imo whatever she's doing.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    thanks for the very long and interesting post TK.
    Posted by scotty77
    Thanks Ryan. In the spoken word, I can be brief & abrupt, but in writing, brevity is not exactly my forte!

    When discussing peoples jobs, careers even, some care is needed, hence the length.

    See you at Luton soon, I hope. 

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    In Response to Where is....? : Hi Aussie. None of the Presenters or Analysts are on Contract as such, we are allocated Shows on a monthly basis, & we get them, or we don't. So, this Saturday, for example, MAY be my last ever Show if Mother chooses not to select me for any future Shows. It's that simple. I'd not know, until I saw next month's Rota, either. So that's why sometimes they don't say "goodbye", as the probability is, it was not planned to be their last Show as far as they, or I, knew. Lots of us have moved on in the 4 years since the Channel began. (We began technical rehearsals 4 months before the Show went live in Feb 2007). Helen, Norman, Carlo, Paul, Casper, Dan, Matt, Michelle, Tim, in addition to those you mention. It's the nature of the TV Business, people move on, often onwards & upwards, it's a natural thing, it does not mean anyone was canned. In addition, we are currently only broadcasting Live 3 nights per week, so there are only so many shifts available. With all those Presenters & Analysts, it would mean spreading their shifts too thinly, maybe one or two a month at most, & for that, they could not be expected to "commit" to 865. Some committment to the Site & Community is needed & expected, & you cannot expect that from someone who gets one shift per month, it's unreasonable, they need to balance what they get fom 865 with their other broadcasting aspirations. Of those you mention...... Sarah is lined up to do some major TV work in America, so understandably told 865 that she would probably not be available for long in the near future, hence she has no regular slots right now. She has NOT, however, left the Channel, as such, the door remains open as I understand it. DP was a difficult situation, too many Presenters, & not enough shifts. We all hope he will return at some stage, he's much missed. Johnny left of his own accord 2 years ago, more maybe, for personal reasons. Earlier this year, he indicated he'd like to return, & we were well up for that, he has great enthusiasm, & has been a good friend to me, helping me along the way from my very first TV Show (Poker 425) way before 865 was ever invented. But his return coincided with the reduction to 3 nights per week, so that's awkward, if you think about it - should 865 cut back on, for example, the loyal Orford's or LML's shifts because Johnny now wants to return all of a sudden?   Guy from London Radio? You'll have to remind me who that is. Mark Banin. Mark remains, I believe, part of the Channel's longer term plans (some very interesting stuff on the horizon, I promise you!), so don't count him out, &  know he was in convo with Mother a week or two ago. Compo left of his own accord, in the Summer of '09. One of the saddest things ever, we were very close pals away from Sky Poker, & had been, here & elsewhere, for some years. I miss him very much, to be honest. So there you go. I hope that helps to explain the other Post, too, in which people suggested they should have said goodbye properly, or why the PTP-ers did not answer the question properly in the Chat Box. We have nothing to hide, fear, or be apologetic for, but some things are part of the greater scheme of things, & are not easily explained on a Poker Table Chat Box. Meanwhile, back at Channel 865, the stuidio move is in full swing, the office contents are all boxed up, the studio move is in late stage planning & early stage implementation, & we have  been across to our new Studio in Osters to suss it out, & how it will all work. We move in early December, offices, Studio, Gallery, the whole works. Mother is organising everything, & it's fiendishly complex, made more so by something called "Design Freeze", in which ALL changes are "frozen" either side of the Xmas Holidays for purposes of stability. Studio moves are very complex, & you saw from the feedback on Sunday's Show, when there were a few technical complications, that viewers are very unforgiving as to mistakes. So a difficult few weeks ahead for the TV Channel. The Poker Site is about to enter an exciting but challenging time, too, nothing stays the same for ever, & they have to keep pushing forward. My crash helmet is at the ready. ;) We also had a most interesting Meeting last week, about a potential new bell & whistle for 865, which will be immense. But very expensive..... Hope that answers your question fully.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    thank you tikay for your effort in your response.  well written too.  i hope we will see DP on 865 again.  good luck with all future rotas.

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited November 2010

    and the ratio of words in your response to my OP is very high.  you could have just said that, "they are merely resting."

    thanks tikay.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    In Response to Re: Where is....? : thank you tikay for your effort in your response.  well written too.  i hope we will see DP on 865 again.  good luck with all future rotas.
    Posted by aussie09
    +1 to that!

    It really is as simple as that - once a month, we hold our breath, & await the new Rota.

    Keeps us on our toes, though, which is no bad thing.
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited November 2010
    Show by Show.......... Mmmmmmmm

    Dear Mr Suit

    I represent a growing number of disgruntled Sky Poker viewers who feel that the time has come for some new blood to pep up the show.

    It has been proposed by a large number of the Sky Poker Community that the following line up of presenters and Poker players should take up the mantle of presenting the show.

    Lisa Marie Long, Sarah Champion, Liv Borree and Vanessa Rousso would make a good selection.  I know what you're thinking.... where is the male influence to give a balanced view point.  I have recently run a poll of what the  Community wants from a Sky Male Presenter. The results are as follows

    1. Scottish
    2.  47 Years Old
    3.   Keen Interest in German Motorbikes
    4. Supports a rather magnificent moustache
    5. Knows how to fold Ace Jack
    6. Is a rather pleasant view for the female members of the community, as well as his co presenters
    7. Knows the difference between Cement and Concrete  

    Having collated the above information I leave it to you to sieve through your database of members to find the appropriate candidate 

    Yours in Anticipation

    Jock BMW (47 years of Age )
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited November 2010

    I still think my explanation was ok :(
  • thorpey1thorpey1 Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2010
     great post tk
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    Show by Show.......... Mmmmmmmm Dear Mr Suit I represent a growing number of disgruntled Sky Poker viewers who feel that the time has come for some new blood to pep up the show. It has been proposed by a large number of the Sky Poker Community that the following line up of presenters and Poker players should take up the mantle of presenting the show. Lisa Marie Long, Sarah Champion, Liv Borree and Vanessa Rousso would make a good selection.  I know what you're thinking.... where is the male influence to give a balanced view point.  I have recently run a poll of what the  Community wants from a Sky Male Presenter. The results are as follows 1. Scottish 2.  47 Years Old 3.   Keen Interest in German Motorbikes 4. Supports a rather magnificent moustache 5. Knows how to fold Ace Jack 6. Is a rather pleasant view for the female members of the community, as well as his co presenters 7. Knows the difference between Cement and Concrete   Having collated the above information I leave it to you to sieve through your database of members to find the appropriate candidate  Yours in Anticipation Jock BMW (47 years of Age )
    Posted by JockBMW
    lol how convenient, nice post Jock.

    P.S great reading tikay, thank you. good luck with the changes over the next couple of months, i will be patient and accept there may be teething probs and inevitable small hiccups, l just hope for your sanity that so will the vast majority of the viewers/community!

    P.P.S glad Mark Banin might show his face again. you could do with more spurs fans imo:)

  • shelskishelski Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010
    Thank you TK in your honest and considerable effort  responding to this thread.
    I suppose what you have to realise is that you guys are t.v stars. Rightly or wrongly people like you, even when they feel they don't. They miss you when you are gone !
    I for one was instantly seduced by the insouciant, sang-froid and yet paradoxically warm,  tired ,worldliness of Mark Banin. He appeared to have spent his life in casinos and had a casual authority about him. Pure spiv art deco. Wonderfully entertaining. Absolute charisma. A contemporary vignette scripted by Somerset-Maugham. TV GOLD !
    I am much enthused by the prospect of his reappearance !
    In the everyday vernacular the guy is a cool cat. End of !
    People only write this stuff because they have genuine love in their hearts for poker, for Sky and it's presenters.
    You feel it too !
    Much love to you Sir. You will never be forgotten !
    p.s- Champion was different , but is nonetheless,  much missed !
  • shelskishelski Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    Mark Banin might show his face again. you could do with more spurs fans imo:)
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    THAT TOO !
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    Thank you TK in your honest and considerable effort  responding to this thread. I suppose what you have to realise is that you guys are t.v stars. Rightly or wrongly people like you, even when they feel they don't. They miss you when you are gone ! I for one was instantly seduced by the insouciant, sang-froid and yet paradoxically warm,  tired ,worldliness of Mark Banin. He appeared to have spent his life in casinos and had a casual authority about him. Pure spiv art deco. Wonderfully entertaining. Absolute charisma. A contemporary vignette scripted by Somerset-Maugham. TV GOLD ! I am much enthused by the prospect of his reappearance ! In the everyday vernacular the guy is a cool cat. End of ! People only write this stuff because they have genuine love in their hearts for poker, for Sky and it's presenters. You feel it too ! Much love to you Sir. You will never be forgotten ! p.s- Champion was different , but is nonetheless,  much missed !
    Posted by shelski
    shelski,could you put that in ordinary talk please people like me dont know what half the words mean in that post,coming from a miners estate nobody speaks proper english if ya catch me drift like ;-)
    good post btw what i understood
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    In Response to Re: Where is....? : shelski,could you put that in ordinary talk please people like me dont know what half the words mean in that post,coming from a miners estate nobody speaks proper english if ya catch me drift like ;-) good post btw what i understood
    Posted by stokefc
    Hi Stokey mate....he is basically say Mr Banin is a sound yoth, innit.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited November 2010
    Interseting post Tikay

    Didn,t realise you weren,t on contracts

    I would have thought it would be in Skys interest to offer contracts to the more popular presnters and analysts  (going off viewing figures) to keep hold of them  
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    In Response to Re: Where is....? : Hi Stokey mate....he is basically say Mr Banin is a sound yoth, innit.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    cheers max
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2010
    I think DP and Sarah, are huge losses to the channel.......

    I don't understand why James isn't used more as an analyst? He commentates on all the biggest tournys in the world, and although he's officially the lead commentator there, he's more than qualified to analyse on 865 (thats gone full circle aint it? lol)

    If he's used more as an expert, there's more slots for the presenters.

    I also think DP could do a good job as an analyst on the tourny shows. 

    I think Sarah was brilliant on the last few shows she did alongside Trev - I was surprised when she disappeared again. 

  • shelskishelski Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Where is....?:
    In Response to Re: Where is....? : shelski,could you put that in ordinary talk please people like me dont know what half the words mean in that post,coming from a miners estate nobody speaks proper english if ya catch me drift like ;-) good post btw what i understood
    Posted by stokefc
    I'm sorry. If it's any consolation i got Matty Etherington in my fantasy football team. Stoke Stabbers FTW !
    Does this help remember the fallen ? ;)
    Especially Champion, she is a hottie !
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