have been playing on line for over 2 years, in that time have been complamented on my play, called a fish, and some times names i wont bore you with. But my question is, in a game last nite, (for 30p) player went all in so i called, he had 2jacks, I had 8&9 of spades, Iwas made to belive only an bad player would have made such a call.
Opinions please.
0 ·
Without the details of the game or stack sizes or situation it is hard to say if it was a "good call"
To be honest, it's very hard to answer this as you haven't included some important details. Things like:
* Stack sizes/blinds - can you afford a call? Was he in danger of elimination and more likely to be shoving with junky hands?
* Your table image - does he think you're a tight player who is only going to call with very strong hands?
* His table image - is he a maniac or a rock? If he's really tight, we might be better off folding. If he's loose/aggressive and shoving with any two cards in this spot, we have two live cards... different kettle of fish.
The one thing I do believe in is that you've paid your money; they're your chips and you can play the game however you like. If you're after solid advice on your game, I'd also recommend The Poker Clinic part of the site, which has some great advice from some of the players on here (and DOHHHHHH), or watch some of the TV channel which you can do on Sky Channel 865 on indeed online - click here.
Other than that, well done on being able to crack a pair with two undercards and enjoy your time on the Sky Poker tables!
Sky Dave
Morally it is neither.
Mathematically when viewed as a potential winning play it is wrong.
If you won it is right
If you lost it is wrong.
If you wanted a flip and a bit of fun it is right if you price your fun at the cost the call.
If you wanted to wind up the table or convey a loose image it is right.
If you wanted a springboard to deeper philosophical quandaries it is right.
The list goes on.
Life is indeed a labyrinth of paradoxes.
Now where's that kindly Mr. Hartigan when you need him ? His incisive and thoughtful views would be a boon in this murky spot.
Totally agree , base all my decisions on deeper philosophical quandries.
Posted by 67Bhoys
You are a wise man. Without insight we are merely cheeky, naughty lambs skipping about on the cliff tops in the pitch black of darkest night.
Posted by shelski
Who told you about me and the lambs at night?
Ignore chat-box insults, everybody gets them, it says a lot more about the person who feels the need to dish them out than the person they're aimed at. It's your money and you are entitled to play however you like.
But at the age of 68 and many, many years of various card games, skill when playing face to face, is a advantage,
how ever, on the internet, I feel its how your luck is running.
THE answer as to table situation, i was chip leader, therefore could not be put out.
Again thank you every one, and good luck to all.
P/S as to the maths, i was top for them, and all my working life revolved round them.