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Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE



  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2010
    Better view of the table now, 25k chips doesn't look alot does it !! I cud fit that chip stack in my pocket......

    Must be vvvvvv easy to put people on a range of hands here, so limping/seeing loads of flops can't be that bad an idea?

    any 2 ;)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010

    I'll answer the various questions shortly.

    First, Table Trouble has been formed, with Neil Channing sat to the immediate right of Keith "The Camel" Hawkins. What those two don't know about poker & betting ain't worth knowing.

    Keith starting off playing at Reading, decades ago, with the likes of Simon Trumper & Bob Coombes. He's an avid QPR fan, & I think his 'Stars name, where he grinds out $1,000 SNG these days, is "Loftus Road" or somesuch.

    Keith, who is Dylanesque in build, with extensions, married Kath, a farmers daughter a few years back, they now have a son called Jake, (just started school) & they live somewhere dreadful up North, North Yorkshire or Co Durham as I recall.

    Keith used to pen THE second greatest poker blog on the 'net, "The Camel Ruminates" - clever title eh? - but he's given it up now, sadly.

    The best poker blog ever ever ever used to be penned by Paul "Dotcom" Philips, who gifted me a lovely book, "Fermats Last Theorem" in return for a small favour, & we became good pals. (Terrific book for maths geeks, by the way). Paul has a daughter called Ivey now, & another sprog, the make of which I can't recall. He's retired from Poker now (he won a WPT), & writes & develops software, which is where he made his fortune. These days he's an American League Scrabble player, believe it or not. Scrabble! 

    For 2 House Points, name Paul Phillips (now defunct) Blog.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,664
    edited November 2010

    Extempore's Journal?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010

    Maxally gets the House Points!

    He's up to -37 now.
  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010
    And I'm back in the room, just. The internet/IT demons can't be solved from this particular corner of the casino, so we'll be recording videos and uploading them at a later date (quite possibly as soon as I get home to an actual internet connection, rather that this... 'thing'). Apologies for that.

    I'm off to take some pictures, then I'll be back with some words. Let's hope the interwebs doesn't want to chew them up too.
  • mike1975mike1975 Member Posts: 420
    edited November 2010
    Tip for tikay, when talking to the guy next to the camera, remember the mic is still on...... :P
  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited November 2010
    yep we can hear u Tikay,great updates btw.
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited November 2010
    There is an internet cafe on edgeware road not too far from the Vic, if this helps.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010

    Whoops, well as Blandy says, the Wifi has gone mammaries up, so he's gone to take some piccies, & I'll have to bore you to sleep with poker tales & anecdotes.

    Or you could go play the £100 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter (£5.75), which has 19 runners already, & kicks off at 3.30pm, on, & looks likely to smash it's Guarantee. See, free enlightenment, too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE:
    Tip for tikay, when talking to the guy next to the camera, remember the mic is still on...... :P
    Posted by mike1975
    No! Ahh well, I'm spamming the opposition feed now. The Feed is being widely received, it's on several sites, including one named after the colour of my hair.

    Note to self. Watch what I say, Mother may be watching.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2010
    Q ? - when u buy in late, do u still start with 25k? And if not, what do u start with, how is it worked out? Cuz some tables play more hands than others? - what happens to the chips that r taken from the 25k? (if any?)
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE:
    In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE : No! Ahh well, I'm spamming the opposition feed now. The Feed is being widely received, it's on several sites, including one named after the colour of my hair. Note to self. Watch what I say, Mother may be watching.  
    Posted by Tikay10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010

    Lewis - thanks, but Blandy has a mountain of kit to lug around, so that's not really an option, plus it's hard to see the Tables from the Edgware Road.

    The various streams here are down to a guy called Jon Shoreman, a wily old so & so who you may have seen on (the original) Late Night Poker many moons ago.

    Jon is a very fine Stud player, & has an uncanny ability to place players on precise hands in NLH. He rarely smiles, but has a dry humour, & works a lot with a guy clled Pete "Happy" Singleton. Pete never smiles, ever.

    Jon owns the rights, with, I think, Nic Szeremata, to the World Heads Up Poker Championships, & between them they also control the magazine "Poker Europa" (Europe's first & some say now worst) dedicated poker mag, also the website "PokerInEurope" which is a good source for Tourney Schedules right across Europe.

    When I was with Wm Hill, when I first started in TV & stuff on Poker 425, Jon was hawking around the TV rights to the WHUPC, he wanted, like, £400k or somesuch. Err, lower, Jon.

    In those days, the WHUPC was a big, big, thing, & was held in the Gran Casino, Barcelona, & sold out every year. It's a mere shadow of it's former self now, I think it only got 30 odd runners this year, whereas it used to sell out weeks in advance, & was capped at 128 runners. The TV coverage used to be spectacular, too. The problem is, a 128 runner "live" Heads Up Tourney takes 2 weeks, & that's too long for players to commit to. changing times.

    Jon's a good guy, I get on with him just fine, & he's made more money at poker (business, not playing) than almost any player I know. The kids mock him - it's the fashion to knock old skool now, & indeed success - but they'd die to earn - & keep - as much money has Jon has in poker. Bully for him, too. 
  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010
    First little chat with Wayne and he's the beneficiary of a very weird spot and an admin error on his part.

    In EP and the blinds at 50/100, GB looks down at JJ. Chucking 250 in as a raise, he's not noticed that matey-boy UTG has opened for 275. Wayne decides to make it look like a mistake and calls.

    Two other players call before the action gets around to the SB, who pops it up to 1,500. Opener flats and GB now has to decide what to do with the hooks. He felt the 1,500 looked like a squeeze but then remembered there's been one 3-bet prior to this on the table and so makes a pass deciding the SB probably has a hand. He folds JJ.

    Flop comes T-high, turn and river baby cards and SB ends up showing down QQ, good enough to take down the pot. Nice little situation Wayne avoided there.

    Chip count around 26,000. He's just doing some business at the moment and the transactions so far have been good.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE:
    Q ? - when u buy in late, do u still start with 25k? And if not, what do u start with, how is it worked out? Cuz some tables play more hands than others? - what happens to the chips that r taken from the 25k? (if any?)
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Good question JJ, & keep them coming - everyone (both viewers?) - as we are struggling to "fill" here.

    Alternates will be permitted for the first TWO  Levels, so, until, in effect, 4pm.

    The "penalty" for an Alternate is ONE BIG & ONE SMALL Blind at that Level. So, in Level 2, with Blinds at 50-100, the "penalty" is 150 chips. Out of a 25,000 stack. Some penalty, eh?

  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010

    Our Man in London - Wayne 'Gliterbabe' Rideout
  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010

    This guy can play - William Martin
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2010

    Yikes, that 3.30pm £5.75 with a £100 Guarantee made 65 runners! Spam ftw.

    Thre is a £150 G'td BH at 4pm, £5.75, which only has 12 runners so far.

    Des & Adam will have a baby if they have any overly in that, so buy in now to avoid Des or Adam enduring childbirth. I wonder who'd be Mum?
  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010

    Once footballer, now poker player - Tony Cascarino
  • TSPTSP Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2010

    Always smiling - the ever-likeable Neil Channing
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