Hi Aaron,
Firstly,I am honestly sorry that you did not gain that last seat in last night's SPT Semi Final.
I withdrew at the last minute due to personal circumstances which I feel I do not need to explain to anyone on here.
I also watched the whole game and I was a little disappointed in some of the regulars comments directed at me which I feel were uncalled for, but not too much of a shock, when the full details were not known. That, for one reason, is why I am not going to elaborate on my reasoning behind my action.
I hope you do get to go to Newcastle and have a good week end whether you play or not in the Main Event. TEAM KNIGHTPLOP NEED YOU!!!!
I shall not be going now but hope EVERYONE has an enjoyable time there and look forward to reading all about it on here.
Once again, sorry for creating a difficult situation for you last night and I wish you well on the tables.
gimme a call after 3 m8.
You must have had good reason and people need to understand that.
Good luck to all in the main event
Nice one Sally, you don't have to explain anything to anybody, we know who you are, and love you anyway, you're a true ' Gent '
Kind regards
Hope u sort it out, hope to see u soon mate
You are right, you don't need to explain anything. You are entitled to deregister from the tournament at any point. I was just a little perplexed that it was done about 3 mins before it was due to start. I am sure you can understand this too.
Hope all is well, and i am sorry that you cannot make Newcastle. I am sure to be at Luton, and hope you are there too. Best regards, Greg.
I am sorry that we will not see you in Newcastle, as I, like many others, enjoy your company. Hope to come across you again soon.
you being in the tournie would have changed every single hand, and thus the result!
Why the decision to deregister wasn't taken a good few minutes earlier, to give someone else the opportunity to register, only Alan knows... And you are right, it doesn't matter!
No apologies necessary-ish. I never for one moment thought that you would have done it out of malice and knew you were considering pulling out earlier in the day.
It was just unfortunate that it left one seat and cash for second place. It has all worked out fine in the end, I have my seat. I now just have to hope there isn't the wrong type of snow on the tracks during my train journey up there!
Obviously it would be great to see you there*, so hopefully all things considered, come January, you will change your mind.
*If you need directions please just ask.
Now stop being a big girls blouse and get yourself and your horrific wardrobe to Newcastle..
It just wouldn't be the same if you wern't there to provide a misdirection or two ;o)
I'm sure it will only make your relationship stronger in the long run.
Alan, nice post from a top gun...sorry guy!
Delighted for Aaron as well that he is on his way to Newcastle, get the huskies and sled looked out!