I am not sure if this has been done or thought about before but I would like to play in a Nations League ie sign up for ur country and play in weekly tourneys building up points based on where you finish in the tourney.
I am not sure if this has been done or thought about before but I would like to play in a Nations League ie sign up for ur country and play in weekly tourneys building up points based on where you finish in the tourney. Posted by Torryladd
Hi torrylad thats a really good idea hunni so how would it work? i would love to be part of a nations poker challenge! count me in!
In the meantime, all the very best of luck at the poker tables!
Good idea but, with this being prodominently a British site, there won't be a big variation in Nations involved. Also, it would have to be worked out on average points or something of that sort, because I can guarantee that England will crush the game by your points scoring method!
Yeah I agree it would be say 50% English but that would be a good challenge for all other Nations to play as a team.
I would not limit players but get everyone to sign up their allegience to a Nation with a cut of date then play the league out for say 15 weeks with a password protected £1 or £2 buy in or more?. (Us Scots like a cash incentive lol)
The format could also include an elimination element from the league to the first one knocked out each week.
Points to the top 8 :10 points to winner 8 points second place 6 points third place 5 points for fourth etc What do you all think?
count me in!
In the meantime, all the very best of luck at the poker tables!
Candi xxxx
It could be the top ten players from each country in terms of points. I'd love to represent Scotland in it!!!
Yeah I agree it would be say 50% English but that would be a good challenge for all other Nations to play as a team.
I would not limit players but get everyone to sign up their allegience to a Nation with a cut of date then play the league out for say 15 weeks with a password protected £1 or £2 buy in or more?. (Us Scots like a cash incentive lol)
The format could also include an elimination element from the league to the first one knocked out each week.
Points to the top 8 :10 points to winner
8 points second place
6 points third place
5 points for fourth
What do you all think?