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SkyPoker Over Other Poker Sites?

BCShadowBCShadow Member Posts: 8
edited December 2010 in Poker Chat
Firstly, your'll all see this is my first post, so I'll write alittle about myself.

My name is Simon and I'm a 3rd year Accounting and Finance student. I've been playing poker since June 2010 and tried many sites. I've won some, and I've lost some, but I've never stuck at one site! However, I believe that has all changed after coming onto Sky Poker. I'm not a losing player, Im still playing with the profits I've made, but never been able to settle! I'm also a major MTT player at the moment!

I've tried Full Tilt, PokerStars, PartyPoker and PKR, but none of these seem to hit the spot. I think it's because they play in $, plus I always seem to get sucked everytime I go in ahead! I also like Sky Pokers RNG which shuffles only once.

I'm just wondering if any of you have tried any other sites, and why you prefer Sky Poker if you do and why?

I seem to like SkyPoker because it's in the £ and also everyone speaks English [may sound harsh, but I like when I can speak with the players Im playing against]. I seem to have tuned into 6 seaters very easily and like that most of SkyPoker is 6 handed! SkyPoker also feels more forgiving without Antes and the way the game is played. [Atm SkyPoker has been good to me! Haha.]

I only started playing here on Thursday night, but already won a good amount of money in my eyes, and feel like I'll be staying around alittle longer =]!



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited December 2010
    In Response to SkyPoker Over Other Poker Sites?:
    Firstly, your'll all see this is my first post, so I'll write alittle about myself. My name is Simon and I'm a 3rd year Accounting and Finance student. I've been playing poker since June 2010 and tried many sites. I've won some, and I've lost some, but I've never stuck at one site! However, I believe that has all changed after coming onto Sky Poker. I'm not a losing player, Im still playing with the profits I've made, but never been able to settle! I'm also a major MTT player at the moment! I've tried Full Tilt, PokerStars, PartyPoker and PKR, but none of these seem to hit the spot. I think it's because they play in $, plus I always seem to get sucked everytime I go in ahead! I also like Sky Pokers RNG which shuffles only once. I'm just wondering if any of you have tried any other sites, and why you prefer Sky Poker if you do and why? I seem to like SkyPoker because it's in the £ and also everyone speaks English [may sound harsh, but I like when I can speak with the players Im playing against]. I seem to have tuned into 6 seaters very easily and like that most of SkyPoker is 6 handed! SkyPoker also feels more forgiving without Antes and the way the game is played. [Atm SkyPoker has been good to me! Haha.] I only started playing here on Thursday night, but already won a good amount of money in my eyes, and feel like I'll be staying around alittle longer =]! /Chez

    And you wanna play on here?  GL
  • NODEALNODEAL Member Posts: 608
    edited December 2010
    The reason I choose sky poker is,  firstly, I like the fact that its a sister orginization of a larger concern (skybet)..  If I played on a smaller site there would always be a greater risk on bankruptsy or the lack of funds to solve any problems that may arise.

    2nd,  the other sites iv played on dont have immediate access via phone to answer any queries or problems that I might have.

    3, Any contact iv had has been dealt with in a very amicable and pleasent manner no matter how small or insignificant the problem or query.

    4, I like the community interaction although I dont go to many live tournies or interact a lot, I dont like to keep up with everyone else.

    No site will ever ne perfect but I feel that skypoker strives more than any other to get it as close as poss.

    So this site, For me personally,  Suits me.

  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited December 2010
    There are other Poker sites ????????????????????  **** months wasted
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited December 2010
    I like sky poker because we have a great community, we get to know people we play against on a more personal level and we have a great interaction with the presenters and analysts.

    The site format is simple and easy to use compared to some other sites i've played on and the help & support is always at hand to deal with any problems even if at times the live support doesn't alway understand the problem, we always have the community forum to fall back on and eventually things get sorted.

    A Big UP to sky poker I say and I can't see myself going anywhere else in the forseble future.

    Now if only my downswing would start swinging up i'd be a much happier bunny lol.
  • NODEALNODEAL Member Posts: 608
    edited December 2010
    lol,    silly me....I do like to keep up with eveyone else
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2010
    I don't just play on 1 site, i like to take different things from different companies, i'll go to other sites to play the big online festivals like wcoop or Ftops, I have an ipoker account to play some of their GTD's and i like the community based and TV stuff on here. Variety is the spice of life as they say :)
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited December 2010
    i am on a few websites but mainly play sky, my main reason is the community on here

    also playing primary 6 handed where as others are 10 or 9, although i can play 10 handed i find 6 handed quicker and dont have to be as nittier. I love their is a game on here for any level, great advice from the clinic and generally its a good & smooth site imo. i get loads of bad beats but hey ho at least i have fun while getting them :)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: SkyPoker Over Other Poker Sites?:
    i am on a few websites but mainly play sky, my main reason is the community on here also playing primary 6 handed where as others are 10 or 9, although i can play 10 handed i find 6 handed quicker and dont have to be as nittier. I love their is a game on here for any level, great advice from the clinic and generally its a good & smooth site imo. i get loads of bad beats but hey ho at least i have fun while getting them :)
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN


    And the fact that the standard player thinks 10J suited is the nuts, for 30 big blinds.

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: SkyPoker Over Other Poker Sites?:
    In Response to Re: SkyPoker Over Other Poker Sites? : Pffffft And the fact that the standard player thinks 10J suited is the nuts, for 30 big blinds.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    j10 is the nutz :p did you not see i went out of a tourney yesterday a10 vs j10 all in pre, they hit their flush(mine was also suited) good point though
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited December 2010

     defo the best ,
     love the banter on here .

  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited December 2010
    I prefer playing on other sites with 9 handed tables and 15minute levels with antes. Mostly because I am a real nit like my idol Tikay and like to rely on luck as little as possible and these are the tournaments I do well in and consistantly final table.

    Yet I come on sky every now and again because like people have said, the community is better. Nobody ever says a word on the other sites and when you fold 98% of hands it gets boring sitting aout saying nothing.
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