MENTOR IDEA - Might get slagged off something rotten with this idea, but I'm fairly new to poker and the sky community so take it easy on me. I've won a tournament with over 50 people in and come in the top 50 quite a few times with starting numbers of 300-500, but have had an idea where you, Tikay, or one of the well known players (Gliterbabe, Gibb etc....I don't know many) could become a mentor of mine and then we can see if I improve over the coming months.
Would just involve the mentor having my table open so they can see my plays now and again and advise where I went wrong and how I could improve my play. Would be very interesting if I started finishing higher in the tournaments. Sky Poker could follow my improvement...or plateau.
Would be like Obi Wan Kenobe and Luke long as I don't end up finding out that Tikay is my father.
Any thoughts or takers? ...Come on Tikay, show the world you can train an apprentice up and pass on the your skills.
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People(me) would kill to have Tikay as a mentor.
I just thought it might be an interesting thing for Sky Poker to do and follow the progress of every now and then. I might end up with a wsop bracelet one day
I've answered it in "Ask tikay" Mr Haddock.
I'll answer it properly in the morning, I'm a bit tied up right now.
Ignore the doom-mongers!
just being a bit nosy now, i know it would cost me $300ph to learn how to beat 200nl and i will prob need many, many lessons. Is there any coaching available for players of your class? say players who norm play $100/200, how much will they be charging? />1k ph?
a) I'm thinking the idea is for someone who isn't as busy as you say and can spare the odd 5 minutes to watch a hand or two, or answer an email (I'm not asking for Karate Kid style training where I get taken to the beach to learn the way of poker)
and b) I know there are lots of people on sky poker but i'm guessing maybe I'd be number 1 choice, or at least near the top, for coming up with the idea. Those that say it's stupid or bizarre would maybe go to the bottom of the list
Anyway, it's just an idea that might grab someone at sky poker as an interesting thing for them to do and follow, or might simply grab the attention of one of the good players who might like to see if they can teach and have an affect on someone elses poker life. I'm good at lots of other things and am the sort of person that would get great pleasure in seeing if I could teach someone else....who knows, out of all the great players on here there mighht be one that thinks 'yeah, lets give it a go for a while' .....maybe even tikay himself
Thanks for that reply, I understand what you're saying. For me personally I'm an intelligent and fast learner, it's just some of the poker tactics that having someone point out would soon sort out my game. When I watch the good players play they bet on hands I wouldn't, raise more often and bigger, and all know what is the correct thing to do, when and from what position.
I feel like a ninja who just needs to be told where the throwing-star cupboard is
(i'm in the £5,000 Open that started at 8pm. It's 9.22pm and i'm 10th...not bad for karate kid)
lol, just finished that sentence and went all in, my suited AK against 10's....i'm now 105th, haha
So I downloaded 30 e-books in one go for free
i,ve only read a few pages of one, and already i,m making different plays and thinking differently about each hand to just a few days ago and i,ve been playing about 5 years
I took on assistance of a player a few months ago. Whenever he wasnt watching i dropped into old habbits. So now im recording my play - visible for all, this way im always thinking until its drilled in.
best of to do it yourself rather than paying anyone to start off with, see where u get.......
A selection of good players were picked and mentored by various experts.